Hi All,
I have an Excel document that has a series of class modules in it that I'd like to have other workbooks hook into to use? I have tried to save it as a .xlam and then add a reference to it in the calling workbooks, but when I try to write code to access the class it does not seem to be...
In testing the 2007 version of Excel, I'm running into quite a bit of trouble with performance as it relates to executing VBA code. On numerous lines of code that didn't give any trouble in 2003, we're seeing a small timer bar appear with the caption "Cell (Press ESC to Cancel)" -- using the...
That did the trick! I switched out SheetName$ with the name of a range and it worked like a charm. You can also simply populate a range in its place like B7:G21. I knew it would be something easy...almost always is!! Thanks PHV!! I really appreciate your help!
Thanks for the response, PHV. I was assuming that I'd be able to use the WHERE clause as part of the SELECT statement, but that's not going to accomplish what I'm aiming for.
The code that I posted above assumes that the column headers begin in cell A1 of the worksheet that's being assigned...
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = OpenDatabase(fileNameAndPath, False, True, "Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]")
I'm still trying to figure out how to limit it down to a specific range though....like B7:G62. Any ideas...
xlbo, Can you offer an example of how to query a range using an appropriate connection? For instance, if I'm trying to get the range B7:G62 into a DAO recordset, what would the code look like?
I'm used to working with these recordsets in Access, which I have no problem with at all and use...
I posted to the forum a while back with this exact same issue (http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1411314&page=1) and, as Tony stated, there is no fix available. We continue to experience this off and on and the only thing that makes it go away is a reboot, but it inevitably returns...
Is it possible to assign a range in Excel to a DAO recordset? I have found a means of assinging a range to an ADO recordset, but the searching capabilities of ADO recordsets is not the greatest. I would like to be able to use the FindFirst methods and such that DAO offers. Any help you can...
Thanks for the info, Bong. The only thing I can see that might be an area of concern for my code is destroying objects after their use. I've checked and all the objects I'm using are being destroyed explicitly.
If I had to guess, I would assume my issue is not related to a memory leak...
Thanks for responding musclemac. I tried the code you provided, but it doesn't seem to be working. The code does not iterate through the tasks. I commented out the on error statement and I'm getting a type mismatch error associated with the myTask variable. How is this variable declared?
We have a number of "automations" built into Excel documents using VBA that are used frequently in our business. Recently, a couple of our users have been getting a message box popping up on them when attempting to run the macros. It states "Code execution has been interrupted" as if someone...
The way I understand COM API's is that they would allow another app to interact with them kinda "behind the scenes". I'm more looking for a way to interact directly with the objects in a GUI interface. Like, can Excel VBA click into a text box and send in a string and then click a command...
Does anyone know of a functionality in Excel or a plug in that would allow Excel to interact with a GUI application's user interface? I'm aware of applications that can interact with the objects on a GUI interface (like IBM Rational Functional Tester), but can't determine if I can get Excel to...
I have several Excel spreadsheets that have code sitting behind them. In some of these spreadsheets, user forms are shown to prompt user's for info that the spreadsheets need. The problem I'm experiencing is that, on rare occasions, when the .show line is executed, not only does the form...
This worked well for the "123" example, but it doesn't appear to do the trick for other strings I've tested. If I try the string "cats", I get an invalid procedure call on the following line:
myFixedStr = myFixedStr & Chr(myAsc)
The value of myAsc at that point is -61, which I'm guessing is...
After using your coding, the mystery deepens. I found that when I use PutString, it seems to place the "123" string into the emulator window, but it's not visible. I know it's there though, because the subsequent GetString pulls it back as "123". Weird!
I normally use SendKeys to...
Thanks for responding, vzachin. This is exactly how I'm pulling data from the Attachmate screen as well, but for some reason, it doesn't pull back what I see on the screen. For instance, I can send the string "123" into Attachmate, but when I scrape that same string into a variable, it comes...
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