Is it possible to migrate client groups from one server group to annother? If so can anyone point me in the right direction.
I am using Symantec System Console
The reason for using a traditional volume is purely down to available disk space on the SAN. When tring to convert to NSS the volume becomes too large.
To mount the volume it takes approx. 15 mins.
Any sugggestions on how to handle memory over 4Gb?
I have a SAN attached NetWare 6.5 SP5 IBM x365 server with 4Gb of RAM that continually runs out of memory and causes the server to multiple abend and crash (abends both through normal working day and when attempting to backup).
The server has dual Qlogic HBA FC's and accesses both NSS and...
I have numerous corrupt files on a NSS Volume (NetWare 6.0 SP5, NSS Version 3.05 (Build 670)). These files are causing errors on backups and cannot be deleted or renamed by any of the following methods.
Windows Explorer
NetWare Explorer
Console 1
I have run...
I'm currently running some restore tests using a NetWare 6.0 sp5 SAN attached server using TSM as the backup software.
The speed of these restores are slow. I'm told that the bottleneck is the NetWare FileSystem as the TSM server is constantly waiting for the NetWare server to pass work thru...
The users to be deleted are all in different containers (approx. 2000).
The objects to be deleted are all users that have not logged in for the last 180 days and users that have had there accounts disabled.
Does anyone know of a tool that can be used for the mass deletion of NDS User Objects.
I have used DSRAZOR to identify the users I want to delete but have had no joy finding a reliable tool to delete them.
I have expiremented with ICE but have no confidence in its ability to perform the...
I have a NetWare 6 server using a Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapater and a Intel Pro/1000 NIC. The Pro 1000 NIC is used to connect to a Live LAN and is currently connected at 100Mb/Full Duplex (hard coded on both the NIC and the switch). The Broadcom NIC is used on a dedicated...
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