I want to do handle for Form1. Reason is that other program has to manipulate using this handle with my Form1(ex. Minimizie, Restore from try icon and other methods aviliable in Form).
Is it enough to make standart HANDLE or it's some special for other aplications???
Thanks for suggestions. You are right, it wasn't enough that i wrote.
Fortunately i find a reason or this. Some threads during execution where stoped becouse there was small error becouse of cast to other type. There was no message with error but it was enough to hang.
On my form i placed...
Thanks Guys.
I've tried different ways(excluding period message send test by client-it's doing to much trafic on LAN).
I've even made Handle connection[n] for every connected client and tried to disconnect client with connection[1]->Disconnect(); but it seems that indy didn't good with this.
Hallo Everyone
I'm writing client server aplications using indy (BCB6) commponents. I was shure that it's everything working when i noticed that TCPServerOnExecute() doesn't work all the time. It seems that after execution thread is suspent or something else is going wrong with it. I've used...
You are right. I should make disconnect in server when i switch it off but every connection has separate thread.
So when i work inside some event ex: onServerRead i do:
AThread->Connection->what ever i want to do with this client. ReadLn()
How to do it outside AThred?
Is there any option to...
I have problem with this event becouse there is no reaction when i shot down the serwer. I expected some action but it seems there is nothing going on.
I even tried to set timer for constant checking if connected property is false/true.:
Thanks to user "Paskuda". it's past post:
Start regedit.exe, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Borland/C++Builder/6.0/Editor/Options and set NoCtrlAltKeys to 1. Restart application. That should be enough, Polish diacritics work fine for me, but I set it up long ago, so I may be missing something...
When i use 999.999.999.999 it's the same.
Think that's good solution(not the easyiest but at the moment i don't know better one). Shame that borland didn't think about that when they included sockets to their component list.
How Do You menage with polish keys on BCB6?
Does anyone know how to use Polish(any charset with ALT+key) charset in BCB? I know that "Alt" key is used to some BCB elements. In BCB 5 whas some patch file to change the keyboard shortcuts. How to do it on BCB 6
How to delete whole row from StringGrid. I meen not only the text but also cells.
I tried like this:
StringGrid->Rows[2]->Delete(some index-for what?);
and i got message : Program couldn't insert or delete row (something like that).
Is it possible to delete rows anywhay? Maybe it will be...
How should i use MaskEdit to input IP adress. I used mask "" but when i write IP (ex)
on output i get then AnsiString " 10. 0. 0. 5"
Prolem is that i don't want those space char becouse when i put this AnsiString to Socket->Host it doesn't interprete it correctly...
Hallo everyone.
I have to use popuping baloons from tray icon. I tried to do something with tray icon Hint but i didn't menage to make it work.
Can someone help me with this?
How to show baloon with info?
Are those baloons also visible under w98 or only NT and ME?
Please help. best would...
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