I made a listview in VB6. In de main bar I put an icon. Now it works very well, but under Windows 95 you cannot see the specified icon, but only the default windows-icon. Who can help me to solve this problem??
By forhand many thanks,
I would like to make a reportview in a listcontrolbox but I only have version VC++ 4.0. Who can send me an example where I can experience with? I questioned this already at the side of codeguru, but there I don't get a good reaktion. Maybe my question is to difficult?
Hi, I have made a listbox. I used GetDlgItem. With the HWND I send messages like LB_ADDSTRING to add a new element. And this works!!. But, I cannot create columns with columnheaders like Name, Address, City.
It isn't possible (i think) to use LBS_MULTICOLUMNS, because this is used to divide a...
Does somebody has a very very simple example of a reportview with 3 columns.
I don't know how to do it. I believe, it must be simple, but ..... ( :-( )
kind regards
I would like a listbox with multiple colums, for example 1 column for name, and one column for address. I would like to sort this according column 'name' or according column 'address'. Who can give me some hints to do it without MFC and COM
Thank you and with kind regards,
David Reuvekamp...
I tried to find a easy way to find some posiblities in the helpfiles of Visual Studio.
f.e.: I would like to make a listbox with multiple columns. I get the information from a ;-seperated file. So i make a listbox. It seems to work good. But now I like to find possibilities to add...
Maybe you know that there is a function in VB to create a list with many columns. Each column has his own columnname. Does somebody knows the functions in C++ to make a window with a list of many columns, like this:
idnr, name, address, city, country
And how can I add new lines and change...
To James P. Cottingham,
Yhanks for your answer and the time you offered. It is for me a good start en now I will work with it.
David Reuvekamp
The Netherlands
Yes, I think so.
I thought that i have a ListView in c++, but I am unknown with Grafical C++, so now I seek for a working code, where I can experience. Why a ListView, because I need to use a ListView.
I would like to make a Listview-box. Has somebody the example sourcecode for it?
Then I would like to make a connection to a ';' seperated textfile, so that the contents of the textfile can fill the listview box made in ad.1
Thanks a lot,
David Reuvekamp
The Netherlands
Error: Unresolved external '_main' referenced from C:\APPL\BC5\LIB\COX32.OBJ
First, there is no COX32.OBJ
What can I do to get it working? Sorry, but I am not an expert, just not. Maybe I have something to change in my borland c++ editor/projectmanager
Thanks a lot,
david reuvekamp
the netherlands
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