Sorry to bother you guys again. But can you please tell me what is the equivalent of rewind statement in C. You have been a great help to me.
Can you please tell me how do you interpret the write statement below ( in C) as opposed to the other write statement,
write(29) ((um(i,k),k=1,ndz-nwt,2),i=nwt+1,ndx-nwt,2)
as opposed to
write(6,*) it," of ",nt," time steps",umax,esum
Can anyone please tell me the difference between and the meaning of the following six statements:
1) parameter (ndsrc=100)
2) parameter (nndx=2000+2*nwtd,nndz=2000+nwtd)
3) real*4 ut(nndx,ntsrc)
4) dimension u1(nndx,nndz)
5) dimension xsrcin(ndsrc)
6) dimension ysrcin(ndsrc)
I am trying to figure out the following code:
do iw=1,nw
irecl = irecl + 1
write(10,rec=irecl) (cplot(iw,ip),ip=1,np)
The output is written to a file called contour.dat. cplot is initiated to an array of 1000 * 1000. As a new programmer in...
With reference to the following code, which I posted yesterday, I have few more questions if anyone can kindly reply.
1)How is pow_start, pow_end, and pow_step initiated? Are _start, _end and _step a keyword?
2)When I run this program the write statement "write(6,200) project_name" prints...
If a file "a.txt" has the following lines
Line1: 1
Line2: 2
Line3: 3
How would it read the input sequentially i.e. one line after another and output then sequentially?
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