Thank you for all your help. I put the form tags in because otherwise it wouldn't run at all. Then I realized my mistake. I set the calendar to 'autopostback = "true" and got rid of the little form tags ( the ones that don't say runat=server) and it runs properly.
evaleah (Programmer) Apr 21, 2004
This might seem like a silly question but you say the validation is called. That means something is not passing validation.
What happens if all required parameters of validation are passed and you don't have those form tags?
If I don't have the form tags...
I added them in because, well, it's not up there, but inside the form runat="server" tag, I have a calendar that postbacks and changes the page when a day is selected. If I have form - non-runat tags inside the main form around the calendar it works. It postbacks and updates when the user...
I have my vb script declared, then inside the script tags, I have my
sub Page_Load
if notIsPostBack some stuff to set up the page...
end if
end sub
sub buttonAction(s as object, e as EventArgs)
...perform a query... a function to set option box...
The data is in a text field. And it finds it sometimes but not always. The inconsistency is confusing. For other dates (i.e. 10/6/03 etc) it returns most of the values. But it doesn't return the values when the 3/3/04 is in the comment field and half? of the other ones, with no apparant...
I have a query result being read into an Excel document, but the users want it in word as well. When I try to send it to word, it continues to open in Excel.
Sub DataGridToWord(output As DataGrid, response As HttpResponse) 'clean up the response.object
response.ContentType =...
My subject says it mostly. I have a form where the user can search by any keyword and wants to be able to seach by a date of the form "dd/mm/yy". Because of the slashes, I am getting no response. So I am trying to cast the search string as a varchar so it will compare to the characters and...
I ended up typecasting the fieldtype and checking if the string was numeric with 2 '/'s. If it was then I compared equal to the typecast string. Otherwise, I compared if it was "like '% non-type-cast-string %'
e.g "select convert(varchar, fieldA, 1) as fieldA from Table"
I'm trying to complete a search through fields of different types to see if the search value is found. It can be anything the user wants to enter. The problem is the backslashes I believe, making it not read the query properly. How can I search?
select fields from table where fieldA like...
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