I am trying to creat a single document with duplicate forms and scanned back-up separating each form. Everytime I insert the next form and back-up, the form changes to a replication of the data in the first form. When I had Acrobat 5 I had no problem inserting mutiple forms. I read about...
I can't upgrade from Activesync 3.5 to 3.7.1. The install program runs to about 92% then stops and returns an error. I have tried everything, removing 3.5 and restarting, deleting temp files, copying wceusbsh.cat to driver files manually. Nothing works. It wouldn't be a big deal except that...
my computer just decided on a start-up tonight to not recognize either of my cd drives. I have tried uninstalling and letting windows do a found new hardware to no avail. It says can't load driver. The system can see the drivers and the devices but can't load to operate. I have restarted so...
I have a irc or mirc program that just recently started appearing on my desktop at startup. I can't disable it, and I can't remove it, because it doesn't show up in the add/remove progrsms list.
How can I remove it?
I have already reloaded the OS. I did get a warning that a mass media driver was not supported by Windows. It said I would have to fix it in the nest section and then I never saw where it wanted me to update the driver.
I re-installed without the new picture card reader plugged in.
I built my own computer. It's an AMD Athlon 1.4 Ghz processor.
I did add an MAUSB -10 carmera card reader just before this happened every time I started up. I did unplug it from the USB connection with no apparent benefit to the system.
Thanks for the help.
I am having a problem with a blue screen message right after windows loads my desktop it goes to blue screen and driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal BEGINNNING DUMP OF PHYSICAL MEMORY. It happens when I try to start any program. The system runs maybe 1 minute and then goes to blue screen with above...
I am having the same problem with the driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal BEGINNNING DUMP OF PHYSICAL MEMORY. It happens when I try to start any program. The system runs maybe 1 minute and the goes to blue screen with above message. I re-installed Winfows 2000 Pro and still had error. I can...
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