One part of the issue is solved, where in - now I am able to import multiple line items to AP module. Earlier I had some challenge doing it.
But the issue with batch number still exists.
I tried sending "blank", "string", "integer" and I tried to generate batchnumber in MAS application and...
Sure, please find the job in the attachment
Note: In the batch number columnd you will see 15438, I have kept it for testing. I have tried using a blank as well
Please let me know if you have any more questions
These are my settings in the
AP module --> Setup --> Accounts Payable Options --> Additional tab
A) Allow batch Entry is checked
B) Password for batch entry override is empty
I have batch number field in the source table which is set to blank. In the VI job I pointed the batch number column to the above field.
Still It didnt create batch
PS: When I print invoices in all batches, I can see the imported records
I am on MAS V4.0
I tried to send "TEST" as batch number but with no success
I tried to create a batch number from the MAS UI and pass it in input to VI job, same result [these invoices arent visible in the registry]
Please let me know if you ahve any suggestions here.
Thanks much for looking into this query ChaZ.
I will check my team - who process these records in MAS - if this will work for them.
Do you know if the batch number can be any string or does it need to follow the pattern set in the MAS program.
If it can be any string, then I can even pass my...
I have created a VI job which imports invoices into Accounts Payable module.
When I run the job, it says its successful and I can see the data in the MAS tables.
But I cant view these invoices from the Invoice Registry
[MAS --> AP module --> Main --> Invoice Register]
Thats is probably...
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