I have an enormous amount of results to print and i'm wondering if there's a way to print them every 100 steps for example. i'm trying to do it that way
DO I=1,NI,100
WRITE(2,200) DS(I),S(I),U(I,J)
but i didn't make any progress so far. I'm not sure...
thank you so much gummibaer!I think that your first post was more helpful than the 2nd one. It seems that there's some progress now.But I'll try the solution that you propose on your 2nd post,too.
Hello again,
I was wondering if sb knows how can i calculate the max value of an array. This is what I mean:
IF(U(I+1,J).LE.UMEAN(I+1)) then
write(*,*) 'i=',i+1,'j=',j,'yuhalf=',yuhalf(I+1)
end if
I have...
I'm working on a code for some months now and i have this problem: I can't forward the solution more than 2 steps than the initial steps. I think that the problem is that I set NYI+2 out of the boundaries,but I'm not sure. And as I increase the number of iterations for i, it seems that j...
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