My boss has asked me to supply a number of how many printers are located per building. Is there a way to run a script on a print server so that it list the printer name and its Ip Address. It would be easy to count b/c the buildings are broke down by IP range.
I would like to create script that will search my global catalog and determine whether the user exist. I would like to print the list back out stating whether it was accepted or not. Does any one know the command to search the "GC"? The list is in this format:
Smith, Steven J.
...been asked to create a GPO that restricts users ability to save docs to the C drive. So far I have created a GPO with the following settings.
*loopback enable in computer settings set for replace
* folder redirection for documents and application data pointing to their user folders...
I have a list of computers and need to determine what type of OS they have on them.
CN=COCL28I-1 ,OU=Computers,OU=ITSS,OU=VACO,DC=dva,DC=va,DC=gov
I have not had much practice using
what would I need to print what type of OS cocl28-I has?
I have a file of computer names that look like this
The quotation marks are at the front and end of string I need to remove them so I can pass this string to the LDAP
Is there a command to remove chars
...sheet to do what I want I think I will be ok.
' VB Script Document
Dim objXL, myWS, strTitle1
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'***Error right here
Set myWS = objXL.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()
myWS.Name = "OU name"
strTitle1 = "OU name"
StartExcel objXL, strTitle1...
now I can do this with each OU? How would I add something to each OU. Or should I say go back in forth. Say I add to ORM spread sheet 2 entries and I need to add something to NOC?
Now is myWS the entire workbook?
Set myWS = objXL.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add()
myWS.Name = "OU name"
...'opens file
set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set strGuyFile = objFile.OpenTextFile(strFilePath, 1,false)
'***creates excel spreadsheet
Dim intMaxWork, objXL, strMBInfo, strProcInfo, objXLWork
Dim strOU
Dim strCN, i
Dim intRow, diffOU
Dim objCon,strQuery,objRecSet
I know how to open an excel spread sheet using .vbs. I have a huge list of data but I want to separate each OU on the same workbook but on different sheets. How do you access each sheet within a workbook?
The code you provided captures the "=". How would I take the "=" sign out
what actually does the Mid( , ) work?
arTmp = Split(strLine, ",")
strCN = Mid(arTmp(0), 4)
strOU = Mid(arTmp(3), 4)
...Dim objFile, strGuyFile, strFilePath
strFilePath = "c:\temp\outofdate.txt"
'opens file
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'****Invalid procedure call or argument****
Set strGuyFile = objFile.OpenTextFile(strFilePath, True,false)
do while not strGuyFile.AtEndOfStream...
My job would like me to parse a file that contains a list of computer names in the following format:
"CN=co0828-01,OU=VHACO Laptops,OU=VHA,DC=dva,DC=va,DC=gov"
I was wondering if anyone knew a better logic of parsing this information...
I would like to delete the contents of a registry using a script. I think my logic is correct but it won't delete contents. For some reason this statement Return = objReg3.DeleteKey(HKU, strKeyPath3) does not return 0. I also think there is a problem with permission on the object that won't...
The registry is not delete once I go into regedit. Does the code I have looking right
On Error Resume Next
Const HKU = &H80000003
strComputer = "."
Set StdOut = CreateObject("WScript.StdOut")
sMethod = "DeleteKey"
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_...
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