I used to be able to use LWP and HTTP::Form to grab a web form, fill it out and click on the submit button.
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
# set $form
Now, the form has been changed:
<input type="button" value="Submit"...
Does anyone know of any online tutorials for using Win32::OLE?
Specifically in relation to manipulating powerpoint presentations.
Thanks in advance,
Apologies if I am not using the correct terminology.
The only url's that return a response when I LWP::UserAgent->get are local web pages.
I can't seem to 'get' external urls ... well, actually, get times-out.
Does any one know the reasons why this is happening?
Thanks in advance.
How can I remove curly braces from a string using regsub?
I want to do something like
regsub -all {[\{]} $string {} var
where $string contains a left curly-brace and the result is in $var. The above doesn't work.
Thanks in advance.
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