By having a linesize greater than 256 i hope to avoid having the record set broken up into multiple lines when i print. Any idea how i can do that? you suggested on a previous post that i should output to a flat file, but i have no idea of how i should do that.
I need to read from a file that has 1800 or so characters in each line. However, i would like to pull out approximately 1000 of these characters and have them outputed into one line. I basically want to create a smaller version of the original record set, yet have it on one line. Right now SAS...
I'm sure if that answered my question thought it is something i will keep in mind.
When ever the record set is printed, the record set gets broken up into multiple lines. Now the record set is 1800 characters wide, is SAS limited to how many characters each line may hold, for example 256 when...
I'm trying to read in a file and the linesize is 1872 characters wide. I tried setting the linesize in the options section (linesize=1872) and under infile (infile in lrecl=1872)
But when it prints the record its broken up into multiple sections instead of one nice long record set.
Wow, thank you very much, you've helped me a great deal. Array's definitely are fun and very powerful too, they can make life real easy if coded properly :-) Thanks again.
Thank you very much, I will try that. If i don't know the size of the array do i just use the ubound(array) syntax, is that correct? If you don't mind, can you show me an example of that. Thanks again.
hello, does anyone know how i can input data from specific columns in a data file to an array? Thank you.
example - infile 'c:\data.dat';
input dataset1 17-33;
i need the variable dataset1 to be read into an array?
i hope this makes sense.
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