Thank you for all your help!! I put tleishs' idea on my website I changed the comments field from areatext box to just a regular text box now it works awesomely.
Thank you again.
When someone hits the enter key in the comments space on a form with the cgi script in the background it messes up the log file and when I try to import into access it imports into multiple records instead of one. I saw a java progammer use a routine that disabled the right mouse click so you...
I tried the wrap=soft in the html code and it still is not working!!! I tried hit enter a view time in the box and it gives me carriage returns in the log file.
When someone hit the enter key in the comments space on a form with the cgi script in the background it messes up the log file and when I try to import into access it imports into multiple records instead of one. I saw a java progammer use a routine that disabled the right mouse click so you...
Is there any way in Java that you can disable the enter key when filling out a form thru a cgi script. When the person fills out the form on the web and hits the enter key it messes up the output to the text file. Please let me know.
Thank you for the code but I am kind of new as VB. The code I have is the following:
Dim Report As New CrystalReport1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub...
I am using crystal report 8.0 and VB 6.0 I created a report in crystal and it is hooked up with our sql server and it works fine from crystal. I opened VB and used the crystal reports 8 from the project menu and it asks for user name and password I put them both in and I checked allow saving...
I am using Crystal Reports 8.0 and VB 6.0 I am using the CRVIEWER component. I packaged the vb program up and then installed on another client and it is getting Physical database not found. Please let me know exactly which files I need. In the Crystal report I am using two date parameters in...
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