I'm using this code to execute a list of stored procedures:
cursor_handle INTEGER;
procedure_run INTEGER;
Hello all!
Does anyone know about problems with Pro*C programs using stored procedures wich use dynamic sql (using dbms_sql package) ?
I have a program that simply came with ORA-01405 (fetched column is null) when i changed stored procedured to use dbms_sql package...
I tried to recompile but...
Sorry, but i'm sure I'm using the same partition name.
This is the statement I ran under SQL PLUS:
>FROM postps_successful_calls
This is the cursor definition under PL/SQL, I pass 'D0703' on parameter <particao>:
CURSOR cur_total_msisdn (data...
I'm trying to define in a stored procedure a cursor to bring data at a specified partition (given by a parameter).
The problem is that I get ORA-02149: Specified partition does not exist, and that's the same partition name I use in the next statement:
>FROM postps_successful_calls...
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