johnherman ,
Thanks for your time in suggesting a solution.
I hope you meant adding a column in the fact table to reflect the unknownmarket. I was looking for something from the cube processing side to take care of this without adding any additional column on the fact table.(Our DB is in...
Say I have a fact table with two columns "MarketId" and "Sales" and a separate dimension table for "MarketId".
Valid values for "MarketId" dimension are 1,2 and -255(unknown market).
Fact table contains five rows
1 1000
2 2000
0 1000
NULL 1000
1 1000.
Is there a way during cube...
Thanks for the information.I am yet to look into it. I hope it will give me much insight in this area. Mean while, i was able to do what i asked for by creating "derived measures". I changed the source column of derived measure to have condition
"case when (CallDuration<5) then 1 else...
I am very new to OLAP and Analysis services. Trying to create a Cube for the following requirement...
I have a table which stores information about phone calls made by customers. Based on "Call Duration", I need to create details like
-- On any given day/month/quarter/year, how many calls...
I am trying to configure sendmail to route all the messages addressed to my domain to a particular program. I am using sendmail 8.9.3... Any help will be appreciated
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