I am using CR 9 and VB6. In my VB6 code I have CR viewer.
I set RecordSelectionFormula when the forms come up for the first time and show the report to the user. There is a drop-down in this form that user can select form, so whenever user change the drop-down, I change the...
I got a problem. :) I tried to disable "Customize..." item
from toobar list by the following code:
Application.CommandBars("Toolbar List").Enabled = False
But now I can easily open the "Customize" window by
double-click on toolbar. How can I disable this feature?
Thanks for any...
I found out that if I run the following code:
Application.Commandbars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False
All the menu bar will diapears and also Minimize/Maximize buttons at the right top of winodw goes away. But I need to have the menu bar, I just need to disable Minimize/Maximize...
I have a problem and hope you can help. I am using VB6 and CR 9.0. I have a report in my program that has about 70 pages and it takes 75 seconds to be shown in Crystal Viewer (I connect to a remote server over the net)
I tested this report in Crystal Reports 9 (outside of VB6), the time...
I have a problem, I defined a column named First in my table by mistake and now I cannot delete this column, I think First is a reserved word in MSAccess DB, would you please help me to drop this column from Table, Here the statement that I am using:
Alter Table ChartChoices Drop Column...
I don't know how can I set a code to be returned by my exe program. I have a VB program that runs another VB program in this way:
Set oShell = CreateObject("WSCript.shell")
nRet = oShell.Run("Test1.exe", , True)
Set oShell = Nothing
I want to check nRet but I don't know how...
...cmd.execute ' Update many rows in table T1
rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rs.open "Select * from T1 Where R_Id = 1"
do until rs.EOD
cmd.commandText = "Update T1 Set ValCol = 12 Where Id = " & rs("Id").value...
Thanks for all of your responses, but how can I write a better code to get BIOS Serial Number in Win 98 without any problem.
I appreciate your help in advance,
...strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS", , 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
Get_BIOSSerialNum = Get_BIOSSerialNum & objItem.SerialNumber
I have a question and hope you can help me. I want
know how I can get the Low Level Hard Drive Information?
Low Level Hard Drive Information: This refers to the
master hard drive serial number in hardware. Note that
this is not the drive serial number which can be set
from software...
Thanks for all your response but I got the answer from
the following Crystal document:
I hope it helps the other guys too. :)
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