I have a VCL Form Delphi for .NET in which there is a TDBGrid.I want to Export it to Excel.I have tried many Methods like Ole Automation and didn't work for Borland Developer Studio 2006,I tried the Ole Automation in Delphi 6 and it worked(I used CreateOleObject).
So it seems that Delphi for...
well I am using VCL Form delphi.net and I want to re-ask my question:
I have a table that I want to show its records on a VCL form (Delphi.Net) and I have a toolbar that contains 4 buttons that I will use to navigate through the records of the table.I don't want to use the DBNavigator because i...
thanks for your reply but what if I have a toolbar with 4 buttons and I want to navigate through the table using this toolbar,in VCL forms you can not use the databinding nor the currencymanager in order to navigate through the records in a table.
do you have any suggestion?
I have a tableadapter and this tableadapter fills the dataset.My code is:
sqlCn := SqlConnection.Create(c_cnstr);
sqlDA := SqlDataAdapter.Create(c_selectgest,sqlCn);
dsPersons := DataSet.Create('Persons');
tblgestion := dsPersons.Tables['Gestion'];
How can I access DataRow.rowID? I see it in the variable window during debugging, but I'm not allowed to access it in my program.
dr := tblgestion.Rows.Find(gestvalue);
when debugging I see that dr has a ROWID of 5.How can I access the ROWID property?
I am newbie in Delphi so I want to ask what should I use for this:
I want to make a VCL Form that asks the user(userinput) to enter the RefCode(Refcode is the primary key of the table),if the entered code is valid then the corresponding record is displayed in TEdit controls,Also in my form I...
I have a form that contains 3 TEdit,each is bind to a field in a table(this table contains 3 fields and each TEdit is bound to a field).At the top of the form I have First,Previous,Next and Last buttons so that the user can navigate through the records of the table.
What is the best technique...
I want to create a VCL form Application-Delphi for .NET and I want to include a toolbar with images at the top(like the toolbar of the internet explorer) of the form and a Status Bar at the bottom of the form But I don't know which Tool Palette should I use to create the toolbar and Status...
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