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Search results for query: *

  1. fosterr2000

    returning arguments

    You could create an enviornment variable if it is a very small amount of data that you wish to return.
  2. fosterr2000

    Find roaming profile users

    Mark, Good idea, I like it.
  3. fosterr2000

    Find roaming profile users

    Yes. It will also include disabled users, just keep that in mind. It you need to eliminate all disabled users then I can help with that, but some admins delete old users while others make the accounts disabled. Let me know if you would like to filter out the disabled accounts. Glad I could help.
  4. fosterr2000

    Find roaming profile users

    This will list the users and there profile path out to a csv text file. Don't forget to replace "YourDomainHere" with your domain. Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set txtStream = fso.OpenTextFile("UserProfileList.csv", 2, True) txtStream.WriteLine "Begin : " & date & " " &...
  5. fosterr2000

    Can't see the error

    Try it without the ; all together?
  6. fosterr2000

    Read machine name and bios version and write to MSSQL database

    ..._ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For each objBIOS in colBIOS SQLQuery = "insert into tblbios (manufacture, Name, SerialNum)" & _ " values ('" &...
  7. fosterr2000

    connection string

    Does your web server have Access installed?
  8. fosterr2000

    Script to get SMTP server?

    ...is in the attribute msExchHomeServerName for each user object. This will enumerate the AD tree and return the name and Mailserver for each user. '****************Setup ADSI connection and populate ADSI Collection************************************************ Set objADOconnADSI =...
  9. fosterr2000

    pulling OS from AD

    Try wscript.echo objMember.Name & " - " & objMember.operatingSystem & " - " & objMember.operatingSystemVersion
  10. fosterr2000

    open recordset for update with order by

    Try adOpenStatic instead of adOpenKeyset as such maybe. mySourceRecordset.Open "Select * from tbltempmkt", mySourceConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Good luck.
  11. fosterr2000

    Test if printer exists

    Here is a link to a script that does exactly what you are looking for. http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Index=1014&ScriptType=vbscript Hope it helps.
  12. fosterr2000

    Write Username/Computername to Log File

    filetxt.WriteLine("Username: " & WshNetwork.UserName + Chr(13) + "Computer Name: " & WshNetwork.ComputerName) & " Datetime: " & now()
  13. fosterr2000

    Network Driver/Duplex

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.
  14. fosterr2000

    Network Driver/Duplex

    I would like to see you script for w2k and w2k3. If you don't mind will you post it. Thanks
  15. fosterr2000

    Tryin to run .vbs through win2k task scheduler

    When setting up the task schedular info in the run as box be sure to enter a username with appropriate rights. Also be sure to include the domain name for a domain account (ie.. "your_domain\johndoe") or if it is a local account that this should run under then (ie.. "computer_name\johndoe")
  16. fosterr2000

    Passing a Computer Name, read from a file into a do while loop

    when setting Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:Path\"&strComputer&".htm", ForWriting, True) is the objTextFile simply a pointer and objFSO being set to the file? If so then you are reseting the ojbFSO object when you are defining a new pointer to it and opening a different file when...
  17. fosterr2000

    Tryin to run .vbs through win2k task scheduler

    Try editing your batch file to: cscript.exe D:\apps\CNF.vbs or wscript.exe D:\apps\CNF.vbs Maybe?
  18. fosterr2000

    ASP Form Validation

    If IsExactMutilple= true Then Response.Write("Enter the correct format") End If In the above if test you have typoed. You have IsExactMutilple but it should be IsExactMultiple.
  19. fosterr2000

    ASP Form Validation

    The MOD will return null, 0, or the remainder I don't think it will return a true or false. Maybe try setting the following: IsExactMultiple = (strToBeTested MOD intMultipleOf) and then test as such: if not isnull(IsExactMultiple) and IsExactMultiple <> 0 then Response.Write("Enter the...
  20. fosterr2000

    Enumerating OU's in AD

    Sorry I had some errors on the early posted script. Here I have tested this one and maybe it will help. I included an if test to list only those ou's with the word "contractor" in it. I used the lcase to get around the case sensitive issues but this means that you must make your compare...

Part and Inventory Search
