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Search results for query: *

  1. firelex

    Problem with title bar using virtual desktops

    Hello all! Situation: I have SUSE 11.1 newly installed. As always am using virtual desktops. Problem: Before 11.1 I could get the title bar to show ONLY those windows which are on the currently chosen virtual desktop. Now it (title bar) shows ALL the windows on all the virtual desktops and I...
  2. firelex

    Can vitual machine connect to the internet or host must be connected?

    [thumbsdown] What can one use virtual machines then for??!! If the host must be connected the security isn't given at all!
  3. firelex

    Can vitual machine connect to the internet or host must be connected?

    Hello, all! Situation: Win XP having VMWare Player running Ubuntu (Browser Appliance downloaded from vmware.org) Virtual machine can surf in internet only if the host system is connected. I mean: virtual computer itself doesn't connect to the internet. It only uses the established connection...
  4. firelex

    How can I get the output of prog started with WinExec

    Declare Function WinExec Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpCmdLine As String, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Integer
  5. firelex

    How can I get the output of prog started with WinExec

    Hello, all! I have 2 directories: Temp1 and Temp2. In each of them there are files. Many files. I need to compare each file of directory Temp1 with the file having the same name in the directory Temp2. For that perpose I downloaded diff for windows. Works fine. So I wanted to automize the...
  6. firelex

    Half-transparent icon by Drag & Drop

    Hi, guys! I have 2 textboxes. One of them has some text in it. I want to copy that text from one textbox into another using Drag&Drop. How can I get that half-transparent image(icon) of the text with "+" in a square when using Drag & Drop function?
  7. firelex

    copy value of cell when mouse clicks on cell (msflexgrid)

    I had such a case in another grid and I solved so: BOOL CMyClass::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult) { if (wParam == IDC_MTMB_GRID && ((NM_GRIDVIEW*)lParam)->hdr.code == NM_RCLICK) { if (((NM_GRIDVIEW*)lParam)->iColumn == 7) { //here do something ...... } } Here...
  8. firelex

    how to kill a running processor

    Use or ShellExecuteEx or you can use CreateProcess
  9. firelex

    Dialog recieves no events after starting a new thread

    ...have to be compiled at once - one after another. For that I've made a dialog that reads the list of projects and starts compilation: e.g. char* params = "msdev C:\\MyProjects\\Project1\\build\\win32\\MEASURE_XXX.dsw /MAKE \"MEASURE_XXX - Win32 Release\""; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi...
  10. firelex

    Creating a menu with pics instead of text

    Hello, all! I need a menu with pictures (bitmaps) instead of usual text in menu's items. I did it this way: CBitmap b1, b2; b1.LoadBitmap(IDB_BITMAP1); b2.LoadBitmap(IDB_BITMAP3); CMenu menu; menu.LoadMenu(IDR_STMENU); menu.SetMenuItemBitmaps(IDC_BEZ1, MF_BYCOMMAND, &b1, &b1)...
  11. firelex

    Blocking a folder with contents for all other apps

    In any way I need to block all the files in the directory from writing, or at least to check, if any of them are opened by another app.
  12. firelex

    Blocking a folder with contents for all other apps

    I've thoght about opening all the files and hold them for the whole time of my prog working. But it isn't so comfortable. I don't know how many of those files I'll find. And the second: I've tried the following: I've opened a file with the windows editor and then started this code...
  13. firelex

    Blocking a folder with contents for all other apps

    Hey, guys! No ideas???
  14. firelex

    Blocking a folder with contents for all other apps

    Hello, all! The problem is in the subj: I have a folder with some subfolders and many files. I need to block this folder from reading/writing of any files by all other apps. And at the start of my prog I need to know if any of the files is already opened by another app.
  15. firelex

    A pointer to a function

    sorry hWnd will remain = NULL But nevertheless: even if I had a pointer to MyClass1 in an instance of MyClass2 I couldn't use it - MyClass2 needs the header of MyClass1 for that. And it would cause a circle including
  16. firelex

    A pointer to a function

    Look, if I have a doalog class with a constructor as follows: MyClass2::MyClass2(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(MyClass2::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(MyClass2) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } and call it - MyClass2 dlg; MyClass2 will be instantiated, but as long as I don't call e.g...
  17. firelex

    A pointer to a function

    I think I've explained it bad. //MyClass1.h ... #include MyClass2.h ... //MyClass1.cpp ... MyClass2 obj; int (*func)(const CString& name); func = GetTableHeight; obj.SetExternFunc(func); ... //MyClass2.cpp ... void MyClass2::SetExternFunc(int (*ext_func)(const CString&)) { int abc =...
  18. firelex

    A pointer to a function

    It's the same in this context - the dialog isn't there, so this-object is = NULL

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