Does the web app automatically commit changes or is there a "save" step that the user needs to execute?
The app hasn't changed - are these new users who might be leaving the page without saving?
I'm sure you've watched them as they did this to show you what's happening; I'm just checking...
I'm not aware of any way to do this (a more clever person will soon post a fine solution, I'm sure). In the meantime, I think you'll need to take the more traditional approach of either using two statements (merge the main table, insert the history table) or put a trigger on the main table that...
If your data is already in tables, you can try:
INSERT INTO myTable(id, f_name, age)
(SELECT id_source, f_name_source, age_source
FROM source_tables
WHERE filter_conditions);
Like Andy, I had seen samples of inserting/joining with tuples, but they never worked right for me.
Something to...
Not in ANSI SQL. [dazed]
A lot will depend on whose SQL (Oracle, SQLServer, etc). If nothing else, you might be able to shim a bit of Java into your code and get it to work.
LazyPig -
I have to echo Skip's request. You have given us a partial requirement, then introduced a second problem and an unknown parameter-challenged function. You have also provided code that has hard-coded values that appear to have been made up, which completely defeats the purpose of a...
I don't suppose it really matters why it's a varchar2 - it is what it is. But whatever is being used to display the results is interpreting it as a number and displaying it in scientific notation. The data is fine; the display is off. And the OP is not responding.
So it goes.
And as a second guess, I'd bet whatever you are displaying your results with is reformatting your number as scientific notation. Excel is notorious for doing this. Reformat the cell and the results will look the way you expect them too. And like Andy, I'm curious why you would cast your...
...LPAD(SUBSTR(project_number,strt, nd - strt +1),3,'0') AS route FROM
(SELECT project_number AS project_number,
INSTR(project_number,'-',-1*INSTR(project_number,'('),2)+1 strt,
INSTR(project_number,'-',-1*INSTR(project_number,'('),1)-1 nd FROM MyTable);
Note that you could do...
My guess is that your query is returning one or more columns that are either in a different location or don't exist in your target table. Rather hard to tell without seeing the table structures.
As Andy points out, autoterminating sessions is going to lead to wasted work that has to be reaccomplished as well as potentially throwing your books off if commits have been executed part way through a process. On the other hand, you might try putting the database into restricted mode a couple...
As Andy correctly notes - many DO frown on hard-coding, and with good reason. However, when you are using an absurd date as a default, usually people understand and relax that rule (particularly since it's more efficient than trying to come up with a calculated date (e.g., SYSDATE + 30) that...
Andy's post points up that you should enclose separate clauses in parentheses if you are mixing ANDs and ORs. Not only does this explicitly force processing of the conjunctions in the way you intended, but also tells anybody maintaining your code in the future that you took the order of...
...TOAD is thwarting you with the (WIDEMEMO) entry.
DATA_DEFAULT is the correct column, but it appears your tool is hindering you. Try the same query using SQL*PLUS in text mode and you may get better results.
Unfortunately, data_default is a LONG datatype and those can be difficult to deal with.
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