One easy fix to the original post is to create a seperate 1024 cylindar / partition and create seperate partitions for your data that span past the 1024th. As others have stated, this is actually a limitation of x86 and lilo, not Linux. This is a boot-strapping issue. No such problem with the...
While the Linux kernel is Y2K compliant, remember the utilities are coded independently. Linux is a community effort and not all tools are of the same quality as others. As long as your hardware is Y2K, modern Linux distributions will not have problems. Also, major corporatations, like mine...
Most linux distributions come with Xconfigurator or X86config, etc. These are automated scripts that can help a lot. Also Redhat 5.2 autodetects very well. :)
Another common gotcha is that the jvm usually gives this message when a dependent class is not in the CLASSPATH. Example: x extends y. You are trying to load x, but y is not available. The jvm will say x is not found....
The easiest place is the Linux Documentation Project.<br>
Many distributions, like RedHat, provide a mirror on the CDROM.<br>
You can visit for lots of links...
JDBC provides mappings for all kinds of stuff to the SQL standard datatypes. I develop against JDBC and test against Oracle and DB2. I am worried about portability. How do I do this stuff generic?
For educational purposes, I am convincing myself to build a distribution. Anyone have any pointers on how to get started? I want to build one from scratch with just the Linux kernel ( I can<br>
get from ) and the GNU tools ( gcc, libs, etc. ) Any pointers?
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