We don't sell manuals, although we get requests all the time. However, if you visit our site, find the 'Useful Business Links' button (in blue, near the bottom of the left hand column). There is a link to a company that sells business phone system manuals. They may have one for the Toshiba...
Some general thoughts...
If the systems are 'tied' together, you will have issues to overcome. You don't want to go down that road.
You should consider concentrating on the call center applications. What kind of reporting do you need? Real time monitoring for ACD managers? Make sure the...
You have a dilemna, but not one that you can't overcome.
The features you want (like most people or businesses) are fairly standard for most, if not all phone systems today. Find images of the phone sets for the systems you are considering on the web using Google Images. Let your wife pick a...
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