I am using Delphi 6. I am rather new to this.
Whenever an empty MySQL date field (not really empty but 000-00-00) is displayed in db-aware controls (dbgrid and dbedit), it is displayed as '12/30/1899'. Is there way to make the controls display and empty/blank field instead of 12/30/1899 ?
Oops. Thought I included that ......
Warning | 1261 | Row 4225 doesn't contain data for all columns
Warning | 1261 | Row 4226 doesn't contain data for all columns
Warning | 1261 | Row 4227 doesn't contain data for all columns
Warning | 1261 | Row 4228 doesn't contain data for all columns...
I get an error when importing a csv file.
Query OK, 16394 rows affected, 176 warnings (0.27 sec)
Records: 16394 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 176
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/janfeb2008.csv'
into table tablename
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\r\n'
I'm writing an application in Delphi 6. Last time I saved the project everything was working, now when loading I get an error.
When loading form1.pas I get 'Invalid property value'.
How can I determine what is causing this?
I am rather new to this so please keep that in mind when answering...
I am beginning to suspect that is were my problem lies.
I'm not using ODBC, I am using a freeware query component in conjunction with libmysql.dll.
I have been hoping to accomplish this with out OBDC or BDE. As long as I don't use calculated fields on the mysql side, everything is great.
Hi Andrew,
Actually , I was executing the query before hitting the button to update the form caption. I was doing it in another button. It seems to execute alright, I have a datasource and datagrid attached to the query, I see the field 'priority' listed in the grid.
the datagrid looks like...
this is the code that I am using to build the query
datamodule2.mysqldataset2.sql.add('select ');
datamodule2.mysqldataset2.SQL.add('priority,avg(datediff(date_resolved,date_occurred)) as AverageDays ')...
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for your response. I'm still having a problem accessing this data. The query executes as it shouold but when I attempt to access the field 'AverageDays' , I am told field does not exist.
Does the field have to exist in the table in the database?
I am execute the following query:
select priority,(avg(datediff(dateresolve,dateoccurred)) from table group by priority.
if I execute this in mysql I get:
| priority | avg(datediff(date_resolved,date_occurred)) |...
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