Thanks trvlr1
I could bounce the call from a Phantom on the Option 11 back to a Phantom on the 61 to then be placed as an outbound call. However I will probably run out of Phantoms and it will get quite messy quickly.
And I could, as you say, create a Phantom - or use some IDGT translation on...
Hvaing just tried something else, I've realsied that BARS is causing the problem, but I don't understand why.
The Phantom was programmed to use 9 plus the external number, ie.
FTR DCFW 12 902012345678
I've changed this to use the ACOD of the primary trunk, and it now works
FTR DCFW 15...
The NCOS on the phantom doesn't appear to be the problem. I've tried changing this from 0 to 4 and it doesn't appear to make any difference.
It's just the attendant console that appears to be affected.
Does anyone else have any ideas, or some steps I can go through to troubleshoot?
Hope someone here can point me in the right direction.
We have a couple of Nortel Meridian PBXs.
Our console (switchboard, M2250s) are attached to an Option 61.
There is also an Option 11. The two switches are interconnected via a DPNSS trunk.
There is another switch in the network (non-Nortel)...
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