Using VBA and ADO/recordset's and/or queries, I need to update 3 related master tables from 3 unrelated temp tables. Can someone please show me how.
I 've been away from Access for some time and appreciate your input. I have 3 tables a main with (CAMERAID), 2nd table TESTS with (TESTID, and...
I have compared all tables, masters and temp and verified all fields are of the same data type. I have some field sizes in the temp tables that a smaller than the master and that is the only difference. I tried the append ("INSERT INTO") query again and got the same error message.
Here is the SQL and error message I receive:
Here is the SQL from the query:
INSERT INTO tbCameras ( Barcode, Vendor, Model, Type, [Video Format], Imager, [Band], Voltage, Comments, PicturePath, SEQ )
SELECT tbTCamDat.BARCODE, tbTCamDat.VENDOR, tbTCamDat.MODEL, tbTCamDat.TYPE, tbTCamDat.[VIDEO...
I ran the SQL code and received the same error as before (earlier thread in this message) I wish I had the time to take the time but I am desperate to have this process working. I adopted this database and am trying to get things working. Once that is done I will have the time to learn and...
Below are the 3 table sturctures:
Camera Table:
CameraID primary/autonumber
Video Format
Tests Table:
TestID primary/autonumber
other field
other field
other field
other field
Tests_Results Table:
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