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Search results for query: *

  1. berthoud

    coollook C6

    Hi, is somebody use Coollook C6 template? (see above http://cg.software.free.fr/pages-us/coollookc6.htm) I have somme trouble and CoolLook is no longer supported Thank's for all
  2. berthoud

    How to use Validate Record embeds (Range Checking or Filter Checking)

    Hello every body, I don't understand how using these embeds. I need to add a filter in a browse, but the field I have to filtered is not a field of the record, but the result of a calc in "format an element of the browse queue". For exemple : "MyCondition" (S1) is the result of a...
  3. berthoud

    rename tabs

    of course! it makes sense! Many thanks
  4. berthoud

    rename tabs

    hi, is there a way to rename a TAB by programming I try this way (in the embed "Before Opening The Window") ?Tab7{prop:text} = 'mynewname' but with no result could you help me? best regards
  5. berthoud

    sample application with conversion numbers to words (in french langage)

    Voici une version complètehttp://1lveot.1fichier.com/
  6. berthoud

    sample application with conversion numbers to words (in french langage)

    Je l'utilise avec C5ee Ajouter Num2word dans les extensions du Global Voici un exemple d'appel MontantImprime='Facture arrêtée à la somme de '&num2words(format(TotalFacture,@n15.2),'euro','centime') où MontantImprime et TotalFactures sont des variables déclarées Cordialement
  7. berthoud

    delete some records of files

    Oups!!! I don't seen this answer. Many thanks to "edc000
  8. berthoud

    delete some records of files

    Hello every body, I have a file FACTURES (with a field FAC:Fact_ID and his key FAC:K_FactID) and a second (child) LIGNES (with a field LIG:Fact_ID and his key LIG:K_FactID). I have a form for create FACTURES records and in this form a browse of LIGNES records (with controls for add/edit/delete...
  9. berthoud

    Word template by softmaster

    Hi everybody, is this template works with legacy application. I have the template named "wordleg.tpl". Is wordleg means "for legacy application"? I try to use but have an error "function procedure" in the line contained "Word.init()" Thanks for your help
  10. berthoud

    refresh toolbar

    Hi everybody. All my previous questions have no response ... everybody in hollidays? I hope you don't ban me. cry I try an other question. In the toolbar of the mainwindow i have some variable strings. Calcs are made by code template. How I can Refresh my toolbar to display the new results...
  11. berthoud

    ban keyboard action

    hi every body, I hope somebody can help me. In a browse, is there a way to ban adding/deleting action from the keyboard and keep only by buttons generated by the template (I can hide/unhide these buttons to authorise or not actions). Thanks for your help
  12. berthoud

    variable numeric long not 0 when empty

    Everybody on hollydays? [lipstick2]
  13. berthoud

    variable numeric long not 0 when empty

    Hi, I hope everybody have a nice sunday. I have a malfunction that I don't understand when using a variable containing a date. In a browse, I have events and their dates. I need to know the average of these dates for using in others procedures. So I created a global variable (numeric long...
  14. berthoud

    Update/Delete only the last record

    Hi, I have a "standard" browse which is update by a "standard" form all generated by the templates. Is there a way to make "update" and "delete" action available only for the last record of the browse. (May be by a conditional hide/unhide on the buttons?) Who can I do this? Thanks for your help
  15. berthoud

    always troubles with copy

    Finally, the good way is run('command.com /c xcopy SiteWeb\*.*/e/y '&shortpath(clip(GNT:DossierSiteWeb))&'*.*',1)
  16. berthoud

    always troubles with copy

    hi, I think the problem is the space between Program and Files in the string 'c:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\Test\'. In fact, the real code is : FILEDIALOG('Choisissez un répertoire!',GNT:DossierSiteWeb, ,FILE:LongName+FILE:KeepDir+FILE:Directory) run('command.com /c copy SiteWeb\*.*...
  17. berthoud

    always troubles with copy

    oups, you must read run('command.com /c copy SiteWeb\*.* '&RepertoireCible"&'*.*',1) and not run('command.com /c copy SiteWeb\*.* '&RepertoireCible&'*.*',1)

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