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Search results for query: *

  1. johnwiseman

    Adding Hyperlink to Changing Images

    Feherke, Thanks you so much, works a treat. John
  2. johnwiseman

    Adding Hyperlink to Changing Images

    Hi, I use the code below to change automatically two images on a webpage. I want the images to be hyperlinkable when they appear. I have tried to put the href in a couple of places but it dont seam to work. Can anyone help please. <style type="text/css"> body {position:relative; z-index:0}...
  3. johnwiseman

    Disabling the Shift Key

    Hello. I have code which disables the shift key to prevent unauthorised access on MSaccess2003. I have imported it to a new database but it refuses to work with a vba error highlighting the line - db As DAO.Database and the message "Compile Error - user defined type not defined" Can anyone...
  4. johnwiseman

    Uppercase to Lowercase

    Hi. I receive a .csv import file where the text in one column is all in uppercase. e.g THE HOUSE ON THE HILL This column is imported into an Access table. Once in the table I need to convert the words so they appear as follows. The House On The Hill Can this be done? Thanks in advance...
  5. johnwiseman

    Exporting to Text Delimiter

    Hi, Thanks for look into this. All 25 tables contain different column headers and contain different data, the only thing they share is a key as below, each line being a different table. 1, John, Smith, 28/01/2000, Male 1, 11, Road Avenue, London, UK 1, 0111, 0555555, Director, CompanyA, Sally...
  6. johnwiseman

    Exporting to Text Delimiter

    Hello. I have twenty four tables in MS Access which I need to export to a text delimited file. I have no problem with exporting to create twenty four seperate files using DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim,,"Table1", "Location1.txt" DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim,,"Table2", "Location2.txt"...
  7. johnwiseman

    Replacing #Error with a number

    Hello. Running the following code delivers the required results unless [qry Staff Task Volumes.[sumofvolumes] is "0". This is due to [ActualMinsPersTask] divides [sumofvolume]/[sumoftime] and if [sumofvolumes] = "0" you cant divide the [sumofvolumes] figure by "0", you get an #error in...
  8. johnwiseman

    Adding two column's

    Hello. I have three columns. "Below98","above98" and "result:[Below98]+[above98]". The first two columns contain figures which I wish to ADD togther as a sum and display in result. i.e.[25]+[25] =[50]. What I get in the "result:[Below98]+[above98]" column is 2525. If I change the + to * I...
  9. johnwiseman

    Limiting Results

    Hi. I am running the following query. It is pulling in over 2000 results, I only wish to produce the first 50 results which is sorted from the [qry Analysis - Total Errors]TotalErrors desc. How do I limit the results to the first 50? SELECT [qry Analysis - Total Errors].Branch, [qry Analysis...
  10. johnwiseman

    Blocking Access to Tables

    jadams0173 Cheers for your responce. That was the very method I tried. When a user tried to access the FE they get a VB msgbox "Invalid password". This dosnt let then even access the tables in the BE. The BE can be locked in the same way, (disable by pass key ect) but that dosnt stop them...
  11. johnwiseman

    Blocking Access to Tables

    Hello. I have locked a database to stop users accessing the database tables. The Shift by pass key has also been disabled. This leave them with an input form with no delete function. I have discovered that you can still access these tables by making a LINK from another or new database. Is...
  12. johnwiseman

    Data from Subform to Main Form

    Hello. I have a subform [frmCalculator] and a form [frmresults] with a text box [txtresultz]. [frmCalculator] makes a calculation and the results appear in a text box [txtsubresult]. How do i get the results from [frmCalculator].[txtsubresults] to populate [frmresults].[txtresultz] Thanks in...
  13. johnwiseman

    Blank results from Audit Query

    Hi PH. Thanks for your time but it still will not return a result, if the [qry Site Audit MSC - Checked] returns no result. I have taken a step back to tried to get the [qry Site Audit MSC - Checked] to return a result as follows. SELECT Count([tbl Main Input].[Database Reference]) AS...
  14. johnwiseman

    Blank results from Audit Query

    Hi. SQl as below. You will see that field names are slightly different but you will get the idea. SELECT [qry Site Audit MSC - Checked].[Site Location], [qry Site Audit MSC - Checked].[CountOfDatabase Reference] AS [MSC Checked], [qry Site Audit MSC - Audit OK].[CountOfDatabase Reference]...
  15. johnwiseman

    Blank results from Audit Query

    Hi. Wondered if I could get some assistance. I have 3 querys. 1. qryAUDITED CountofReference ¦ Operator ¦ Date 2. qryAUDITEDOK CountofReference ¦ Operator ¦ Date ¦ Auditok (criteria -1) These two feed into qryRATIO unlinked 3. qryRATIO...
  16. johnwiseman

    Active X Calender Control

    Hello. I am using the Active X Calender Contol v8.0. The date defaults to a date which is set in its properties/value. I wish the date to reflect todays date. I have tried putting in =NOW() in the value but it appears this is not acceptable and I can only give a set date. So is there a way...
  17. johnwiseman

    Linked Table Question

    Hi all. When a Table is linked between two databases is the link established via the Drive mapping on the PC or is it mapped via its network path? and On Access 97 is they anyway of editing the link location/destination properties? Thanks in advance Regards John
  18. johnwiseman

    Hidden Password

    Hi. I am using the following code to disable the Shift Key on Start Up. Unfortunately when I type in the password the words are visable. I need the words to appear ******** like you can on Tables. Here is the code. Thanks in advance for any help. Private Sub bDisableBypassKey_Click() On...
  19. johnwiseman

    Code for Exporting Report

    Hi. I use the following code on a command button to run reports which are selected from a populated list box. The code "me.preview.Value" selects whether the report is printed or previewed if a value is put in a tickbox called preview. Private Sub butRunReport_Click() On Error GoTo...
  20. johnwiseman

    Removing all Tool bars on startup.

    Hi All. Your methods work a treat. Thanks for your assistance

Part and Inventory Search
