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Search results for query: *

  1. Cotton9

    Macro assignment to button changing

    Not so simple workaround. Converted contol buttons to Active-X buttons. Not pretty but works. 32809 error workabound. Every place a worksheet is specified create an object referance first then use the object Dim oWkBk As WorkBook Dim oWkSh As Worksheet Set oWkBk = workbooks("test")...
  2. Cotton9

    Macro assignment to button changing

    Combo, Tested the ThisWorkBook on both the timehseet and the worklog workbook to no avail. any suggestion on the control button problem? I open another workbook this morning with multiple buttons and the all seem to work? This seems to indicate the macro assignment for a control...
  3. Cotton9

    Macro assignment to button changing

    This is a problem that appeared this morning on my work log workbook. On one but not both of my laptops. Sub InsertNewWeeklyStatTab_Click() ResetControls InsertWeeklyTab End Sub The macro is on the same 'Menu' sheet as the control button. There are six other control buttons on the...
  4. Cotton9

    Outlook inbox filter not working

    Found the major problem. After we were force to change the send method for outlook to an external SMTP utility. <code> 'Set oInBox = oNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentbox ' line was not changed to Set oInBox = oNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)</code> With that minor change all three...
  5. Cotton9

    Outlook inbox filter not working

    The following code 'was' working on XP and stopped when upgraded to Win7. Suspect new Win7 security policy problem but then??? Win 7 Office 2007 SP3 Excel macro I found examples to do this some time ago but can not locate the document or website anylonger. The first...
  6. Cotton9

    With/End With block -- move cell pointer on target workbook

    Skip, Good suggestions all. Will incooperate suggestions during the re-write. The re-calculate time is miminal in this phase but when I start on the master that feeds into this project it will be required or at least a good idea. Thanks, D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha...
  7. Cotton9

    With/End With block -- move cell pointer on target workbook

    Skip, That will work. As I re-write I'll in cooperate it. For now I'll set it up around those With blocks so I don't see the flash. Once debugging is complete will turn it on at a high level. Will have to give you a star for the '.Activate' suggestion earlier. Was trying so hard to...
  8. Cotton9

    With/End With block -- move cell pointer on target workbook

    Yep. That works. However it also brings the workbook forward which is what I was trying to avoid. Is there a way to move the active cell without bringing the workbook and respective worksheet forward? The overall intent to mimimize the workbooks/tabs from flashing up on the screen as I...
  9. Cotton9

    With/End With block -- move cell pointer on target workbook

    The error occurs on the line .Range("A1").Select ' fails with "Select method of Range class On my home PC I created the above two spreadsheet files with blank spreadsheet tabs in each. Loaded macro in Projects-12-v2.xls. Tested on WinXP running Excel 2003. It failed on the same line...
  10. Cotton9

    With/End With block -- move cell pointer on target workbook

    Attempting to use your suggestion of not selecting things. Can get most to work except restoring the original activecell position on target workbook. Attempting to keep screen flashing between workbook and worksheets to a minimum. Below is a demo macro to illustrate my dilemma. I have two...
  11. Cotton9

    IE Download under Excel 2003

    It appears to be something with the S & P url as the code works with a test url to a local server. I can past the S & P url into IE and display the target graph so it Excel that doesn't like it. Is there a character limit on oXML.Open "GET" command? D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers...
  12. Cotton9

    Excel 2003 download

    Ran against a local server and the codes works but against the S & P web site it fails at the .send statement. The MS error message returned is "The system cannot locate the resource specified" with run-time error '-2146697211'. The oXML.stat returns 12029, 'unknown'. Sub dbins() ' ' '...
  13. Cotton9

    Excel 2003 download

    Under VBA Tools/Reference tried each of the Microsoft XML, Version V2.0 - V6.0 options but did not help. Obviously missing something or two! D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha Learn from the past, Live in the present, Create the future
  14. Cotton9

    Excel 2003 download

    Where would the XML Library be found and how to reference it in my code? Learning VBA as I go along and learning from others code. Nothing fancy just 'good enough'. Any help is good to learn from. D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha Learn from the past, Live in the present...
  15. Cotton9

    Excel 2003 download

    Attempting to download a S & P stock market graph. This snippet works under Excel 2007 but fails under 2003. I have tried many variations from this web site and others with no closer solution. oXML.Send line fails with status code of 2029 Sub dbins() Dim cText As String Dim...
  16. Cotton9

    IE Download under Excel 2003

    The line oResp = oXML.responseBody should not be commented out. Thanks, D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha Learn from the past, Live in the present, Create the future
  17. Cotton9

    IE Download under Excel 2003

    Attempting to download a S & P stock market graph. This snipped works under Excel 2007 but fails under 2003. I have tried many variations from this web site and others with no closer solution. Sub dbins() Dim cText As String Dim oXML As Object Dim oResp Dim vLocalFile...
  18. Cotton9

    How to update a target cell within a formula cell

    Loomah, Yes, that appears to be what I was trying to do. I was trying to make a simple thing a complicated simple thing. :( D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha Learn from the past, Live in the present, Create the future
  19. Cotton9

    How to update a target cell within a formula cell

    Skip, Understood. What we will most likely do is set B133 to MAX(B6:B130) then in the update function check if B133 is larger than B132 and if so move the "value" of B133 into B132. That way if we purge the B6:B130 table B132 will hold the highest high water mark for as long as we need. D...
  20. Cotton9

    How to update a target cell within a formula cell

    Skip, Thanks for the quick reply. I had hope I was just missing some 'little' thing. I'll add the needed functiionality to the download/update functions. Thanks, Daryl Sometimes the short cut is not so short. :) D. Buckman US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha Learn from the past, Live in...

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