I am by far no expert, but what you may want to try to do is instead of going against the DNS name try and go against a single server. You will find that SharePoint indexes this. This problem is what actually brings me to these forums. I have tried to get sharepoint to crawl using the DNS but...
I want to somehow write a PCL file to package with the installation files for a Lexmark Optra T 520. I want this file to be able to automatically set the menu settings on the printer and lock the settings down. If the user then finds that the printer isnt printing right then they can reisntall...
Hello all,
I was wondering if anybody was familiar with the PJL language and would know how to implement it in this situation:
I have a Lexmark 520 Printer that I need to be able to lock the menus on the printers so that the printer maintains the settings that we choose. Lexmark told me that...
I have already did a search, but couldn't find any info on this...
I have an access database that has a open_date (mm/dd/yyyy tt:tt pm/am) and close_date (same format) and would like to get a result that takes the difference between the close_date and open_date to give me the results in...
...= Nothing
I hope that someday, somewhere, someone else will find this post helpful, but remember: SPAMING IS BAD AND WILL HELP YOU TO LOSE FRIENDS!
[thumbsup2] RSchultz
**Access 2000**
...the response.redirect. I tried to test it by making the textbody "Last Email" instead just so I could monitor it to see if it was working, and I didnt get the email. I also thought maybe I had to put all of the email controls in there to make it work. No luck.
...symbol in their address? I figured that it is probably the best item to check for. I dont think I should validate the extensions (.com, . org...) because there is a wide variety listed within the database.
Thanks all!
This is a great help to a beginner ASP programmer!
Thanks for the comment, I took that into consideration and it is one of the changes I was actually working on.
Thanks again!
**Access 2000**
...up until the count equals 100 and so on until it has completely went through all the people in my table. I have the database connection established and the mailer working, I just need to add the people to the To field and I cant seem to get it to work, any ideas?
Earlier today I tried to make the exact same changes that you mentioned above. A new problem occured. My entire datagrid disappears after I click on the delete link. Viewstate isnt on.
Any further suggestions?
Sorry to be a pain... RSchultz
**Access 2000**
...is not refreshing the way it should. The delete function does actually delete what I want it to, however when I click on the button the record is deleted but the deleted record still displays on the screen.
Hope that helps to clarify it some.
Rob RSchultz
...As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim link As LinkButton = CType(sender, LinkButton)
Dim da As New ReviewDAC.DataAccess()
da.DeleteProject(CInt(Right(link.ID, Len(link.ID) - 1)))
End Sub
Thank you very much for your help!!!!! RSchultz
**Access 2000**
...if I close the form and then reopen it and click on the exact same link that I clicked on before it now opens up the folder that the document is located in, but not the file.
Any ideas?
Thanks again for all of your help it is greatly appreciated. RSchultz
I am a little confused on how to implement the FAQ. Do I paste that code into the on click event?
Where do I read in the file path? RSchultz
**Access 2000**
....InitDir = ESIXTINGDIR 'Comment out if you don't want to open to a default folder
.CancelError = True
.Filter = "Word Files (*.doc)|*.doc|"
strNewFile = .FileName
End With
Me.resume = strNewFile
Me.resume.IsHyperlink = True
...extension, but it doesnt seem to do what i need it to do.
What I am going to try and do now is:
Use this regular expression: ["'][^"']*[A-Z]+[^"']*["']
...and search for all of the possible links or references and change their code MANUALLY to lowercase.
If you have...
I woul appreciate any help you can give me. If you see the appropriate javascript please let me know!
*anxiously waiting* RSchultz
**Access 2000**
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