i want it to do the winnings automatically.
once all the scores are in Column 'D' is completed by a formula as to who has one what. I assume i am going to have a table some where as well.
i have the follwing and wish to award a value to the highest points for the top 4
Col 'A' Col 'B'
Points Prizes
23 € 0.00
35 € 0.00
33 € 0.00
28 € 0.00
38 € 0.00
18 € 0.00
22 € 0.00
27 € 0.00
30 € 0.00
30 € 0.00
36 € 0.00
40 € 0.00
Has anyone know of a solution to the following:
CS1K linked to a Mitel SX2000 via DPNSS, when a phone on the Nortel is call forwarded to an external number and that phone is rang from a Mitel phone the call fails due to 0 being dropped (the mitel access code is 0 for external calls) so a...
i need to find a formula that calculates the following:
Name Rate Diff Move to next per
Kevin 235 39.5 274.5
Fin 314 15 329
Pete 344 52 396
Charley 448 10.5 458.5...
I need to look at 2 columns:
'A' 'B' 'C'
2345 2345 Y
4567 4568 Y
4568 6789 N
7890 7890 Y
Etc (3,500 numbers) and i need to see which ones in column 'B' are in column 'A'.
I am having trouble getting a result from 2 database views.
IV00102.LOCNCODE (this view is Inventory) holds a field with stock location and Qty's ie: ENG12G
SVC00100.LOCNCODE (this view is Service) holds the same info and in the same database view is SVC00100.NAME which hold the actual name...
I need to stop Internet Explorer in XP from trying to use a session already active.
If already running a web based application (Sharp Owl) and then if I click on a link in an email it is trying to use the already open Sharp Owl screen which I do not want it to do for variuos reasons.
I have a data file of bitmaps with a reference number.
I want to link this to a service call number which matches the refernce number.
Service Call - 0000123456
Bitmap file - 0000123456
Link both into one report.
excelent help. FAQ very good.
To add to my question:
If i wanted to look for a number and match it, which is working now thank you, can it return a value associated with every occurence of that numer and return it to a single entry? eg:
Sheet 1
1 2 3
A Job No Name...
I am after comparing a column on sheet 1 and 2 which would be your column 'A' on sheet 1 to column 'A' on sheet 2 to see if any of the number match and then copy in the relavant name, irrelevant of whrere they appear in the column.
1 123 bill
2 345 bob
3 678...
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