I managed to reproduce (only partially) the behavior mentioned in my previous thread, this way:
1 I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 by using a very old kit (from 2019)
2 Then I started a bunch of Windows updates
After all the updates finished, by clicking the Start button, nothing...
Just came from the same PC. Once again behaves oddly.
Using msconfig I managed to restart in safe mode.
In safe mode, I use msconfig once again to restart normally, and that's it! Now behave normally.
Maybe explorer.exe has some issues?
I will search further and when I find something new, I...
Thank you for the reply.
First I must mention that my colleague told me that the problem suddenly disappear, and I moved on. Maybe it was some unfinished updates (I instructed her to allow Windows to finish the updates, because I suspected that she rushed and closed the PC before the updates...
One of our Windows 10 Pro workstation cannot be shutdown using the "normal path", but only by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE
When I click the Start Button, nothing happens.
By using a restore point, a few weeks ago, I managed to temporarily solve the problem, but now my colleague complains again.
Sorry for the late reply, but sometimes more urgent things must be deal with.
Excellent suggestion you made.
The user has changed not the printer's name, but the host computer's name, and now the problem is solved.
Thanks again.
DrB0b, thank you for the reply,
As you can see, the computer is available, but cannot connect the shared printer
The host PC is connected to a domain server, and the printer has two drivers installed, but both react into the same way.
The pictures are from a Windows 7 computer, but I got the...
A PC using Windows 10 32 has a USB printer attached (Lexmark T420).
The printer does not have a net card.
The printer is shared, and the network discovery is turned on.
From another computer I tried to connect to the shared printer, but I got the 0x000709 error.
From the second computer, the...
We have four (4) Kyocera FS6525 printers. These are network printers and we use them both as printers and as scanners.
One of them already has two PC's added in the address book (for scanning). Now I try to add a new entry, and all goes well, until I try to save it into address book.
In VFP you can do it in threes steps, like this:
* first get the record number of each record
Sele RECNO() as myId,* from a mytable into cursor mycursor
* second get the last record number of each icode
SELECT max(myid) as myid,icode from mycursor group by 2 into cursor mycursormax
* finally...
The next function can give you some ideas:
?[Only alpha but too many (not exactly 2)],[TEA],GoodString([TEA])
?[Two few alpha], [TE3210],GoodString([TE3210])
?[Two few...
Mike Lewis, I will try the same prg on another PC.
I noticed some strange behavior.
Version of VFP is 9.0.7423
The two images:
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
Obviously, the best advise is to output the result otherwise, e.g. using Copy To, but I am intrigued by the behavior of SELECT ... TO
I noticed that SET HEADINGS have a significant impact on the output.When SET HEADINGS is OFF, the width starts with 4, and increase with 4 or 5 / character...
I've made a small test.
You can see that for 1 to 5 characters, VFP force the length to 21 characters
Then for each additional characters, the length is increased sometimes with 4, other times with 5 characters.
Don't know how to reduce the size, nor to control it.
I tried several commends, like...
I enhanced (in the same FAQ) the function.
Now you can specify the order of images (frames) and the delay (speed) of each frame.
In the next example five icons are used to create an animation with 8 frames. The last frame stay longer than the other 7.
LOCAL laIcons[5]...
Just posted a new faq184-7922
Not sophisticated, but useful. Maybe I will enhance later.
Vilhelm-Ion Praisach
Resita, Romania
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