Turns out I needed to get the version of the SharePoint URL that specified a folder path to the file (a 'Shared_Documents' URL).
Once I got this, I was able to use the 'open_binary' method of the 'File' class to successfully download the Excel file from SharePoint.
I'm working on a Python (3.7) script to download an Excel (XLSX) file from within Sharepoint.
I've tried using the 'requests' module, as well as the 'Office365-REST-Python-Client' module, without success. I'm unable to open the downloaded file using Excel, the error message indicates that the...
I'm working on a Web application developed using the Spring framework, version 3.1.0.
I have a JSP page containing a form which allows the user to select a country from a SELECT dropdown listbox. Submitting the form is supposed to run a database query and return the same JSP page which includes...
Hello, everyone. I'm currently maintaining a Java Web application that allows the user to search across a number of different wikis. There is a requirement to perform a wiki availability check within a servlet (*) every so often, say every 30 minutes, and this check is being done by a class that...
Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on creating a stateless session bean for a Web application running under WebSphere? I'm using WebSphere 7 and STS 2.7.2.
The other developer I was working with figured it out, and it was as TonHu mentioned, one of the import statements wasn't resolved at runtime. To be a little more specific, a 'LogFactory' class that was referenced in the parent class of 'MyClass' didn't actually exist within the JAR file for...
With respect to the javaCmdOutput.txt file, I see lines like:
[Loaded java.lang.Object from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.io.Serializable from shared objects file]
[Loaded java.lang.Comparable from shared objects file]
and similar lines for only 5 classes from the 'com' package, including...
After unjarring the file, I ran this command to run the main() method of the specified Main-Class:
java -cp .;lib\JARfile1.jar;lib\JARfile2.jar com.mycompany.package1.MyClass
and still got this error message:
Exception in thread "main" Could not find the main class...
I'm trying to run the main() method of a class contained within a JAR file. Here's the error message I get:
Exception in thread "main" Could not find the main class: com.mycompany.package1.MyClass. Program will exit.
Here's what the manifest file looks like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0...
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