I'm having trouble accessing the voicemail pro client on an IPOSE R10.1 system.
Having logged in to web manager I can see that the "enable voicemail pro client interface" option is set to No, however, every time I change it to Yes and click update, after a few seconds it resets back to No...
Hi all,
I've encountered an issue I've not come across before and wondered if anyone on here knows of a fix.
When trying to save a configuration back to a system using Manager the following error message is displayed -
Failed to save the configuration data
(Unable to read data from the...
Thanks for the replies, I guess the question is what license(s) am I missing?
My understanding is that I need 2x Server Edition licenses running on the Primary server, which I have. SSA shows two available and one is use when the Primary server is running so it does look like I'm missing...
I have a Server Edition solution that has been running on R9.1 for some time without any issues.
I've added a Secondary Server to the solution and when the primary system is shutdown the phones fail over to the Secondary Server however they show a 'System Unlicensed' error message on the...
Great thanks.
Out of interest, is anyone aware of problems upgrading from 8.1 to R9 SP2 using the dvd? I've tried it a couple of times now and it fails to upgrade stating it encountered an unknown error that is probably a bug! Exiting the upgrade and rebooting the server then seems to have...
I've done the upgrade using the dvd before without any problems, I just wanted to try it using the web control page in this instance, but I'm not understanding something as I can't seem to get the server to recognise the files have been uploaded.
I have an IP Office and Avaya applications server running at R8.1 and I’d like to upgrade them to R9.0.
Speaking to our technical support about upgrading the Application server, they advised uploading the iso file (as downloaded from the Avaya site) to the Applications software repository on...
Thanks for the reply, having read the documentation again I think it was a case of me misinterpreting what needed to be done.
I am however having a problem with the upgrade, it is taking a lot longer than expected (by me), over an hour now, I have a monitor connected and rather than showing the...
Hi, I need to upgrade a UC module and have checked the relevant tech tips and installation guides. It states 'In all cases, always backup all application data to a separate location before upgrading' however i must be missing something as I cannot work out how this is done? Can anyone advise...
I'm failing miserably with this :-(
When trying to send the offline configuration to the IP500v2 I keep getting access denied!
I'm trying to use the Service User Name Administrator with the same password but no joy - have I missed something?
Thanks intrigrant, I appreciate you taking the time to write this.
If I'm underastanding it correctly it looks as though I can do this remotely up to the point where I need to install the base cards and transfer the existing licenses over.
Thanks again :-)
Thanks both,
The main reason I'm querying this is down to the Avaya technical centre advising a different approach, they suggested...
1) Format the new SD card for R9.0 and install the Essential edition license
2) Move all modules and cards across to the new Control Unit and upgrade to R9.0
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