Do you see any traffic on the CCS trace on either the SMB or EX?
Is the IP trunk configuration correct between the two PBX?
SSH to the MiVb that is hosting the SIP trunk and run tugtail command and make calls in to see if calls is actually landing in the MiVB and the messages.
If calls are...
Create a new template/Role with ACD PC softphone enabled (new Role)
FTP to MiCollab
Locate the user template from Dir: /usr/mas/bin
Fill in Agent Name, and Agent ID, new Role
Load template to Dir: /tmp
SSH to MiCollab (Putty)
CD to /tmp
Run the Script " /usr/mas/bin/ "
It will...
Just a side note, you will really not be able to get rid of SDS errors altogether.
The reason being, SDS is also tied to user activities, for example, Call Forwarding - If a user activates a CF on a system, the rest of the clusters may not be aware of this digit pattern (ARS) and hence will...
A bug in a version caused this issue whereby DID disappear without any configuration change.
What version are you running, I can say that I have not seen this issue since 10.
I have seen that sometimes if the peer is still reachable, even if the trunk is OOS, the calls will still try to route out the SIP trunk if the peer is responding to keepalive options.
I suppose the logic of failure is if the peering party is no longer reachable, no more events are received from...
DMZ setup is always tricky as NATing is involved.
99.9 % of the time, the issue will be firewall related for this setup.
You are correct when you said that the required ports have already been opened on the MBG end.
This depends on the mode in which the MBG is set-up of course.
When you said...
You need to make sure that the new MiVB MSL is licensed first before restoring DB.
Otherwise, it will fail, and you will end up with a blank DB.
Clever men learns what Wise men shares!
I see…now that raises a few questions.
Just tying to help here :)
How long have they been this way? Are they new phones or refurbished ? Have they been this way from day 1?
If they are new phones, then I would say you have a bad batch, please organise a return.
If they were working ok and...
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