Hello All!
I am maintaining for one of our customer one old Oracle database with 2 standby database using arc log file .
OS: AIX 5L on IBM P520 and RS-6000
In the production database I have the 2 most heavily used tables of the prod environment with a size of 10GB each one and 15M...
Hi everybody!
With the new tape, I already succeed to restore one datafile using the following commands:
tar xvf /dev/rmt1 './oradata/DBNAME/dbf/prodtcl01.dbf'
and changing the destination:
tar xvf /dev/rmt1 '../oradata/DBNAME/dbf/prodtcl01.dbf'
But now, I would like to restore from a...
Hi P5wizard! Hello Khalidaaa!
NO, I didn't put any space char at the end. I will check.
But I have another stupid problem now: the tape is not inside the tape reader and my contact is out of the office. I am working remotely for a customer.
Pffff... :(
:):):) That's a funny one! :)
On this good one, I will go take some fresh air ;) I need to change my mind a little bit, ideas will maybe come.
Thank you for your help and very much appreciated support Khalidaaa!
You right! I already ask the customer to insert a NEW tape in the prod server. But I need to wait monday that they physically move the tape inside the standby server.
I am working remotely, my goals is to test some old procedure to restore an Oracle 8i standby database. Conclusion: Its always...
I try it already, but restore command don't run on tar backup. I received an error message on this way. the backup must be done using backup command.
I will try the command immediately but yes I am sure at 100% at least according the inventory. I have also made a cupple of others try with different files :(
I am fighting since 3 days now ... sic!
I think we have a small misunderstanding. My bad probably.
In fact, because I did'nt succeed to restore my backup, I made an inventory, that was successfull, using the command:
tar -tvf /dev/rmt1
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