In the past I have used flash on my websites, now im trying to add flash to a ebay page, when i used flash in my site i would add the flash html to the index page and upload the flash to the www,, now i seem to be having trouble when adding it to my ebay page html, the files are uploaded to...
I trying to publish a flash to a animated gif.
The trouble i have is that the only way it will publish to a working animated gif. if all the image sequence is on the main stage.
All time time i use a image sequence i create a symbol first
then import it to the main stage..then i can center...
Im importing a .mov file.
When i import it, it automatically opens a window giving me a option to import as a embed video, but when i play it the res is very bad, i'm using flash mx, the video is HD, MY STAGE is 640/480 i do have to shrink down the movie a little TO fit.
Is there a way to...
Can anyone tell me how to change the dynamic text in this flash, i been searching for hours but can seem to
find how to edit it..attached is the fla and swf
Not sure if you can see the text, in the square dotted boxes
text shows up.
thank you
I have a image sequence of 200 on the time line,
I need to add 10 more frames to the sequence that are in the library, how can i get the 10 frames on to the time line so they are centered on the exiting ones, I tried adding a blank key frame and dragging 10 frames over but that did not work...
im using a media display in flash mx to play my flv on my website it works fine, my question is when i open the published swf on my desktop the the flv dont not play, Is there a wat to stream that flv to play on my desktop when i open the swf?
Hope im explaining his right so you can understand...
Im using the mediaplayback for my flv, flash mx, the movie is small
when i view it on the web, i tryed to make the size bigger in the html but it does not seem to change the size..
When i view the source it says 550x400 I change the html to something bigger and upload it and view the source...
I installed after effects cs4 and it keeps crashing on startup, any ideas why.
I do have now after effects 7 and have no trouble..
Any help would be great..
thank you
Thanks for the help all the time.
In my flash code what would i put if someone went to my site and the flash did not work, a code to detect the flash they need..
I used a flash stream flv in part
of my movie i made, the flash movie
plays good but the streamed flv dont work unless i...
Wondering if anyone had a sample of how to make a animated
percentage bar preloader.
I have looked at a few samples but they were made with flash progress bar witch i could not edit the bar graphics.
Thank you
I seem to be having trouble with that code i posted above, there is a preloader in the first frame of my movie, and when i leave the site and come back the preloader just keeps loading, i can refresh and the site opens..
Any ideas why?
I was reading this http://www.adobe.com/devnet/activecontent/articles/devletter.html
Preparing your website to handle the Microsoft changes to Internet Explorer, but i dont understand it much..
If my code is
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
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