I want the formula to make the enddate the end of the fiscal year if the end date goes past the fiscal year end date. But when I try to run this formula it highlights the last end and says that a boolean is required here. I want it to return a date, not a boolean.
datevar end =...
Ok, to simplify I've decided on a better placement for what I'm trying to achieve. My question now is how do you do a between?
datevar start := {VIEW.START_DATE};
numbervar days := {VIEW.LENGTH_OF_STAY};
datevar end := start + days-1;
numbervar firstquarter :=...
Sorry was out yesterday with a sick little one.
Here is what I got.
One of the following for each Quarter which is used as a column in a cross tab
if {@qtrst} = 1 then
{@dayscurrqtr} else
if {@qtrend} = 1 then
One of these for quarter 2, 3, and 4
The first three formulas are used in a cross tab. The forma sets a number which is dependant on which formula is calling it.
numbervar form = 1; \\ or 2, 3 depending on which called this formula
if form = 1 then
dothis else
if form = 2 then
dothis else
if form = 3 then
I am thinking no but its worth
Can you send parameters from one formula to another? So that i can have a couple different formulas call one other formula and depending on the parameter they send over it will set the condition.
@form1, @form2, @form3 all call @forma
For the conditional...
This is the changes I made to @dayscurrqtr. Correct me if I am wrong because like I said I'm not strong with date calculations. I'm now working on the mid quarter calculations for multiple quarter visits.
datevar start := {DAYS_STAYED_VIEW.START};
numbervar days :=...
Thanks LB, I think I almost have it worked out and will post it when/if I'm done. The above example is a two-quarter period, my mistake though for not being more clear in the original post. the rest of the changes I'm making for it being up to a four quarter stay is dependent on the daycurrqtr...
@dayscurrqtr isn't working out properly.
Stay begin May 1, 2011
Stay length 142 days
Stay end date Sept 19, 2011
@dayscurrqtr is coming out at 31 days when it should be 50 or 51 days.
For fields that can have null values I do a coalesce(field_name, default_null_value). The default null value can be set to text, numbers or just a blank
coalesce(field_name, "NULL")
coalesce(field_name, 0)
coalesce(field_name, "")
Oh and I changed @daysnextqtr to figure out what the last qtr days are
datevar start := {DAYS_STAYED_VIEW.START_DATE};
numbervar days := {DAYS_STAYED_VIEW.LENGTH_OF_STAY};
datevar end := start + days-1;
numbervar dysnextqtr := 0;
if datepart("q", end) - datepart("q",start)...
ok, I made two more formulas called qtrmid1 and qtrmid2 which test to see if there are 1 or 2 quarters in the middle of the first and last quarter of a stay. So now i'm trying to get the @Qtr2 to do this:
if {@qtrst} = 2 then
else if {@qtrend} = 2 then
else if...
Looks good, two things I should have mentioned. The year for the first three quarters must be equal to a parameter year (ex 2011 entered) and the last quarter would be the parameter year plus 1 (2012). This way only stays from 2011-2012 fiscal year would show up (not previous/future years)...
can I do something like:
if Month({DAYS_STAYED_VIEW.START_DATE}) in 4 to 6 then
( if (TotalOfDays > LastDayOfMonth) then
First Quarter.length_Of_stay = 2;
Second Quarter.length_of_stay = 8;
' First Quarter')
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