The unit mentioned a address in the config. Does that mean that the default of is not the case?
Can you connect a serial cable to the managment unit to change the IP address of the unit? How would you connect to the unit when it is brand new?
Guys, we had an IP Office at one of our customers that had an incorrect subnet mask of where it needed to be The customer changed it and now we can no longer see the IP office on its management IP from anywhere. Do you guys have any tips that can point us in the...
We use Partner Messaging R6 and unify all of our Exchange 2003 SP2 Mailboxes. Up until recently my mailbox would stay in sync with the Exchange server. If I delete a voicemail in my Exchange Inbox it should delete the message in the Partner Messaging and vice versa. Everyone elses mailbox works...
After all this troubleshooting here is the fix:
When reviewing the logging we determined that the 1720 was reporting back a IP conflict. I turns out that the IT manager had given the person who was using the VPN client a linksys wrt54g to use a switch not realizing that it uses the
Hello Everyone!!! We have a customer that is having an issue with connecting to one of their customers from behind their 1720 series router with the Firewall Feature Set. Their customer is running a Cisco PIX 506e and they have a Windows 2000 server providing RADIUS authentiction with IAS. When...
At one of our clients we are implementing Microsoft SBS2003 Premium. They currently have a very old Novell 3.x network that they use to host Great Plains 8.2. We came up with the idea to take the floppy image that they use to boot the ancient computers and make it in into an ISO that could be...
I am not sure how to determine which requester that they are using. Can you clue me in on how to do this? Could this be a problem?
The reports run in the same dos window as the program.
I am currently working with a client that is running a DOS based application that uses Pervasive SQL 2000i. I was brought in to handle some performance issues. After obersving the application for a few minutes I realized that they needed tamedos to handle the keyboard inputs in Windows XP. Next...
Mark, you were right, my notebook does not have a service tag because I replaced the motherboard once. I ran the script on another piece of equipment and it works great. Thanks!
If I wanted to gather information about the machines on my network what would be the best way to do this? If I put...
Thanks for your response. I ran the script on my Dell Notebook and Did not get the service Tag. The Computer Area is blank. Where should the TAG show up?
I found this great script that someone wrote to gather information about a user's PC and write it to a text file. Only one problem...
Serial Number: ÿÿÿÿÿ,
This is what I get when it outputs the Serial:
I was hoping to get something like: 2W2Y21S (my service Tag)
Thanks for any info.
Thanks for your reply!
After evaluating the configuration, I did not see any IP audit commands or for that matter any commands that would suggest stateful packet inspection. Do you think that you could use a spoof attack to get around the currect ACL based firewall configuration? I also did not...
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