Hey guys - got a single 2008 R2 RDS Server here that will only map/redirect the default printer of connecting clients. I need it to redirect all printers from clients. I've checked group policy and the option to redirect only the default printer is now set to disabled. I've created a new OU...
All or our internal/private address are 10.10.x.x -- I just can't understand why it's saying it's hitting an internal IP at
We've got other udp connections showing up in the logs but they're all ntp related and expected to be there..
I'm trying to understand this. Neither of the following IP's have anything to do with our public range but when I do a "show connection detail" this one connection is always there:
UDP outside inside 90540528___flags -
I just can't...
I've been searching for a while now for a vbs script that our domain users can run that will allow them to change their password. I have to script this as there's an application I need to kill after they change it and relaunch to re-authenticate.
Anyway, I found this...
I'm trying to get this script to run on our Windows 7 machines: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_ui_changepassword.php -- It's just a script that's supposed to launch Internet Explorer and allow the user the change their password.
It won't do anything though. I can take out the...
Curious if it's possible to see the actual URL requests on an ASA of data coming from internal IP to external addresses. I can obviously see the internal IP accessing the external IP and reverse lookup the external side to just see what the DNS resolves to. That helps a little, but not very...
Looking to add a transport rule that will block messages with no text in the body of the email. I'm sick of these SPAM messages coming through that have noting more than a jpg plugged into the body.
I found a link on technet that talks about adding a "^$" to the rule of blocking a blank...
We've got a secure site that we access frequently and always get the "Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?" prompt. I've already set the "Display Mixed Content" in the security settings to Enable as that's the posted solution all over the internet. This...
Can someone tell me what the files are located in the \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\TempExchange directory? All the files in my case start with E0200***** and each is 1MB in size. They're taking up like 30GB of space.. Just bugs me that something in a "temp" directory...
Let's say I have a statement on my firewall that says allow any external address access to an internal http server. That works fine.
Now say I add a host to a deny all ip statement. That client wouldn't be able to access the above http service would it?
Wondering if anyone out there has saved the offline installation for Google Chrome Frame v18 or v19? I've currently got v20 but it doesn't do me any good as I need an older version. Apparently Google doesn't keep the old installs around for public download. I'd take the thing in a zip file to...
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