Ok, i was able to obtain the compiler. Can you please guide me to next step with program editing.
Is there a feature in clipper to break the execution and see the values in variables and follow the execution line by line?
I can use it to understand the logic and update accordingly?
Would you please guide me through the steps to edit, debug, compile and run the program after i install the Clipper. I will try to look on net or ebay as suggested and install it.
Any reference to guide on how to compile, debug and run the program would be great help.
i ordered a book from...
below are the contents of report.clp
I have notepad++ that i can use, can i open report.prg in notepad++?
Ok, i tried it. Hopefully you can access it. Can you please look at the folder image and let me know whether .PRG file can be edited? or any guidance is greatly appreciated.
what software do i need to install to view these files?http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60109617/folderimg.doc
Dear Griff,
I am attaching an image of the folder with files in them. Can you please look at it and let me know if they are editable. I apologize for my ignorance as i am .Net and Mumps developer so not much aware of this. I truly appreciate your feedback and support.
I just got a task to edit/update the current clipper program and i do not know anything about it and after searching online i thought i would ask this forum for some guidance on where to start with regards what do i need to install to open the current program in editable mode and what do...
I have column that stores pipe delimited data like below and i want to split and create array and dispaly each index value in details section
details test
details fdsfas
details testasdfa
details asdfas
how should i go about doing it? any ideas? Appreciate...
Follow up question is how i can map the parameter that was added, to a value in database to be used in record selection formula
for example
we added 15D to the parameter which is not database value, now if user selects it in the parameter how can i map to 15 or any other value in database field...
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