Currently my sendmail is working 100% correct, but I now need to set it up to run of a dialup connection, currently it is running of my diginet line which is permanently connected. What do I need to do to set it up, I don't eaven knowe how to configure a dialup connection in linux. I am...
I have a table whith 2 recordsets one recordset displays an event name a date a maximum participants, this has a smal where cluase select those fiew fields where the startdate is >= to date() this works fine. the second recordset(participants) is a diffrent table it has 3 fields primary key...
Sorry if that was written very confusingly. I also need to knowe what would be the best way to create a calculate buttin for certain fields with IF and THEN statements and putting the results into fields on the form and then saving it to my database.
Hi ive got a for that searches a access databse using ado
anyways on the for ive created a calculate button that calculates several database fields like forinstance
if gender = male then salalry = somegivenvalue now when the statement actualy compiles it doesnt set that database field to what I...
Sory for sounding like a idiot but ive never heard of smart pointers I wrote the application in asp but dont have a global.asa file because I wanted to ad the setting int here to close the conection after a minute because that would help me allot if they did eventualy close because then I can...
Ive got the same problem with to many connections on my mysql server but where hud64's timesout after 15 minutes or whatever other variable he sets, mine stays alive on my mysql server forever or until I shut it down and restart it. So after its been running for 2 minutes I get an error saying...
Thanx Paul
Ive got it installed but how do I link it to my page so that as soon as a record(post) gets updated that it sends the email do i have to link it to mysql somehowe with com compnents?
Thanx again
Thanx allot lance this all makes sense as im a seasoned asp application developer but limitations has forced me to move onto delphi, and so far I realy like what ive seen.
Have a nice day mate
Im still new to delphi and want to write a databse application so far I can filter stuff using sql filtersets and display the databse results on a form but I want the user to be able to enter data to filter by does anyone knowe of a good tutorial that could showe me how to do this and is it...
Hi ive tried everything I can think of to filter a recordset where a field is empty, ive got various fields like datefields etc.. that have empty fields and dont knowe how to specify a empty clause in my where statement ive tried < "0" or = "" or ='' I also tried "...
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