Somewhat.... It is not difficult to exceed 6MB with say a pdf version of a contract. Having such sent by ftp or http is typically not practical. Given internet speeds, it would not be unusual to allow up to 50MB. With that said, if you are in an environment where you "know" that such things will...
Take a look at the Sonicwall products. You can have an SSL VPN as part of a total solution (Ex: TZ210) or a separate device such as a the SSL VPN-2000. Plenty of models to choose from depending upon performance needs and price point.
If you want to be able to receive mail on newcareweb you must start sendmail. You can send mail from newcareweb without it. Before you start sendmail I would copy or compare from careweb with that on newcareweb, and make any changes as needed. Again, typically these will have...
It sounds like carelot (lotus notes) is not configured to accept a mail relay from careweb and maybe other systems. Each system must be explicitly permitted to relay mail to the post office. Not sure where you do that on lotus notes but on AIX you must place the hostname that is permitted to...
Apparently something has changed on to prevent you from connecting to it. I assume this is where your post office is, and you have it set as the smarthost. You can try to
telnet 25
to perhaps see more info.
You need to talk with whomever...
Try sending mail to someplace you know to be good using the following. This will detail all the steps and any error that is stopping it.
mail -v
Note that when sending mail this way you end the message with a CTRL-D.
Unless the system if very busy, it will probably take an hour. Also depends on processor speed, RAID card, cache etc. I would not do it during any copies or backup.
When you say still no luck, do you mean sendmail is not running or the queue is not being emptied. Do "ps -ef | grep sendmail" to see if it is running. If not, check syslog for error messages. If it is running, it might be a problem with dns. If you run your own nameserver then stop and restart...
Does the default gateway on newcareweb point to carelot or your real gateway? Type "netstat -rn" and look at the line labeled default. What does this ip address represent on your network. If you do "mail -v root" on newcareweb (with sendmail off), does it work?
In your last reply you metioned...
Try the following and see if it makes any difference.
Make sure you have an entry in for:
Also make sure the file has the entry localhost on a line by itself.
After making these changes be sure to refresh sendmail so it reads them.
This is somewhat confusing. It appears that your post office is on carelot, from which you send all your mail. If this is true, then all you mail should be sent there and then distributed. If carelot is ONLY supposed to get mail from careweb, why? Why don't you just send email from careweb...
Why don't you just define the aliases in the /etc/mail/aliases file? For example, to get root email sent somewhere else as well, you can make an entry...
root: root,
If you change aliases, then issue "newaliases" to load the aliases.db with the new info.
Lets try the following to collect more info. Please send two emails and post the result. One to someone on the inside and one to someone on the outside.
mail -v
mail -v
Then please post ONLY the changed lines in This is typically lines...
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