UPDATE: I've isolated the issue to this line:
When put into its own cell, it needs to be =IFERROR((ABS(LEFT(I7,SEARCH(CHAR(34),I7)-1))),0). Instead of returning 0 when the content in I7 is only any fraction of an inch except numerator > 12/denominator =...
Hello dhookum,
Thanks for your reply. I have considered it, but would rather not have an xlsm, as I need it to be as user-friendly as possible for unskilled workmates to open on their work machines and phones without having to enable macros and make it a trusted document.
Hello Mighty Excelers!
I'm stumped. I have formulae that extract numbers from imperial linear measurements which are formatted in specific ways, for example: 12' 11-13/16" or 11-13/16" (when there are no feet) or 11" (when there are no feet and no fraction) or 13/16" (when there are no feet and...
Hi Techies,
I have an Excel spreadsheet that tracks hourly temperature and relative humidity for Level 1 and Level 2. It uses averages, and minimum and maximum values.
I've attached it to make it easier to follow my issue.
In the range B12:AW12, I've averaged the readings for temperature and...
Hi Tech!
Thanks in advance for your help. Tek-Tips has always been extremely helpful when I'm expreriencing stumpage.
I posted this in the asp forum, where it was suggested that it might be a CSS formatting issue. Is there something with my CSS thaat could be causing the grief?
I have an asp...
Oops! Well spotted, guitarzan.
That was just an error from my clumsy copy and pasting. The variable idxItems holds a value from a previously opened recordset that filters the results of the SQL statement. As I didn't paste the code for the entire page (it's too onerous), I just pasted that line...
Hi Tech!
Thanks in advance for your help. Tek-Tips has always been extremely helpful when I'm expreriencing stumpage.
I have an asp page that connects to a database. Everything works great except for this one table cell on the page.
In the database is a table, tblTravelHistory:
(there are...
Thank you, JVF and Skip! All of your solutions work perfectly. I went with SUMPRODUCT, as it works across all Excel versions, including legacy.
Your help is awesome! Thanks again.
Hi Tech,
I've been pulling my hair out over this one.
The range F3:F7 holds numbers. Cell G9 holds the sum of F3:F7. I want G9 to sum only the values in that range where the corresponding cells in columns I, J and K are blank.
In other words, if F3=9, and either I3, J3 or K3 are not blank...
As usual, I was making things more difficult than they actually are. The problem was that the main report was bound to a query that returned multiple invoice numbers, so the subreports in the detail section repeated themselves the corresponding number of times. Making the main report unbound...
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