Good point! I'll update my query to not use LIKE and percent on state... as roughly less then one tenth of the database has "CA" for state.
Thanks for the explanations regarding index... I am beginning to understand it better.
I'll see if I can also add couple of other limiting items to be...
Any thoughts on my last comment?
Any particular data types for a column to be used for queries with "LIKE" comparison?
I am still not sure what is the best index setup..been reading more on it and trying stuff, but still couldn't get the response under 5 seconds.
Thanks! Those are really great ideas!
The current search form gives a couple of options to search on:
Keywords (one or more words, and using logic such as + means must have it and - meaning excluding it.
Also from a drop-down selection to search All of the words, or Any of the words, or...
Hi George,
Thanks for the tips.
I tried removing all but the primary and changed primary to clustered.
Also added your suggested index.
There wasn't much speed improvement. After login, it runs up to 10 seconds long, subsequent query soon after can be as quick as 6.125 seconds.
The active and...
index_name index_description index_keys
IX_tblresumes nonclustered located on PRIMARY DateModified(-), DesiredOccupation, FullTime, PartTime, State
PK_tblResumes nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY ResumeEncID
BTW, on SQL 2000 and 2008. I took from an older server with SQL 2000 the database, detached and simply just attached at the new location. Fixed user accounts and that's it.
Please forgive me for not being very knowledgeable on SQL.
I wasn't sure how to reindex, so I looke dit up and followed method 1 from this link:
Reindex methods
Since I still didn't see any improvement, and my script was still timing out, I looked around and changed the database's compatibility...
I've got a Classic ASP vbscript application that I'm testing on two new Windows 2008 R2 servers, with one running SQL 2000, and the other running SQL 2008 express
The SQL 2000 seems to run it just fine.
But the SQL 2008 express times out. I set in the script the query timeout to be 0...
I've been battling this issue for a few days now... I am relatively new to Win2008 r2 and also new to 64 bit.
Got a credit card processing encryption tool of dll and exe file that my website must call.
I believe the dll file is 32 I've put it in the SysWOW64 folder. (on an older box it...
BTW, I just tried from Administrative Tools > ODBC Sources to add a System DSN, and got the same error.
I was trying to connect by TCP/IP. and using the server's network name instead of IP.
With IP it wouldn't even go that far.
SQLState: HYT00
SQL Server Error: 0
...Login timeout expired
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