I'm having an issue with a network time sync.
I currently have a scheduled task with sc.exe and the variables w32time task_started. However, I want to sync to a specific server. I am able to do this from the cmd line using > net time \\servername /set /yes, but I can't work out how to...
Thanks Bong!
However, I'm getting this error: 'AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip''. I guess the row object is a list. Will this method return a two dimensional array that I can index like Data[i][j]?
Thanks for the reply IPGuru!
I use the two functions because they set different properties of the class. I want to set angles to two different items on a machine, so I've used two functions that (not in the example above, but in my actual class) are appropriately named. I realise that I could...
I have a piece of code that performs the same test. It is a method inside a class:
def setAngleA(self, newAngA): # set the gantry angle for that control point.
if newAngA< 0 or newAngA> 360:
print newAngA+ ' is not a valid angle.'
I've always used the following code to find the last cell in a column:
Public Function LastCellInColumn(sheetOfInterest As String) As Integer
LastCellInColumn = ActiveCell.Row
End Function
Does anyone have any suggestions on...
Thanks ehaze.
I have kind of sorted the problem by creating two workflows that run on the list. One had the 'if field1 is...' and the other has the field2 if statement. It's not very elegant, but it seems that the sharepoint foundation 2010 designer workflow is fairly limited anyway.
Are there...
I've been trying to set up a workflow on a list using sharepoint designer 2010. I have two fields in my list that i want the workflow to create a task for when i change their status. For for field1 if i change from 'not received' to 'received' then create a task 'complete field1 work'. I...
I've solved it!
I deleted SiteB and there was still a link in the quicklink bar to that site. The link in the top bar was gone, but the quicklink one remained. Possibly it had been created somehow and hadn't been connected to the correct permissions.
Anyway, I deleted that from the quicklink...
Thanks for your quick reply ehaze.
Yes, I've checked a test user and it says that the permissions are 'none' on SiteB.
I'm tempted to just delete the site and start again. I haven't done much in that site, but I would like to know what has happened in case it happens again!
Thanks again.
I have recently set up standalone Sharepoint Foundation 2010. I've created a number of sites which I've added to the quicklaunch bar.
I've recently added some new users and given them visitor permissions to the main (top level) site, and member permissions to SubSite A. The problem is that...
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