Thanks very much , it was of a great help.
I tried first a code like this :
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References
If Left(Application.Version, 1) = 8 Then
.Remove ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References("DAO")
.AddFromGuid GUID:="{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-" & _...
dear All,
I have an application developed with Excel 97 which has to run now also with Excel 2000. In some cases it is OK and there is nothing to do to change the library and sometime It has to be done manually by the tool/reference menu.
I wonder if it would be possible to link the right...
Hi Tony,
Thanks a lot, it works fine and it is so simple !
I have just modified it to do what I wanted to do (asking for confirmation) :
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If MsgBox("Confirm ?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
Hi Chattin,
Thanks for your help but I have tried it and it gives the same result I got previouly. If you answer No, first you come back to the same dialog box due to the new close and when you answer no for the second time, the Workbook closes but if their is another workbook opened, you can...
Hi all,
I am looking for a way to replace the standard dialog box (save or not) by a simple request for confirmation when closing a workbook by the x-button of the workbook without using the x-button of Excel.
I have found solution but if another workbook is opened, after having closed the...
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