Sorry, but not sure where exactly to look for this information. In the ODBC (RDO) it is showing as 'excel files and MS Access Database'.
In OLE DB(ADO) - there is Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB provider
I have been using excel 2003 with crystal 11 and now we have excel 2007. When I try to use data from excel 2007 in crystal I am getting a message 'Failed to load database information'. Not sure why? Any help will be appreciated.
It will be the first visit within the parameter dates. I am looking at data for a year grouped by month. Typically, I need to know how many new patients for each month.
CR version is Crystal X1.
Parameter is by RegistrationVisitDate and it is grouped by the same.
SQL query:
SELECT "I10_Amcare_And_Diagnosis_VR"."ChartNumber", "I10_Amcare_And_Diagnosis_VR"."RegistrationNumber", "I10_Amcare_And_Diagnosis_VR"."RegistrationVisitDate"...
I am trying to count only the first visit on a report. If a patient has a first visit in April and a second visit in February, this patient should be counted only once and that should be in April, which will be the first visit. The visit in February should not be counted. The report needs...
The census data is needed to asses the work load for a physician. For example we need to know the list of patients Physician A has for the day regardless when the admission was. So, for April 1st the list should include all cases on site for that day. These cases could have had any...
Is there a formula or a field to run a crystal report by census days.
For example if an admission is from April 1 to April 5. This case should appear in the census reports for April 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
The census day should be the runtime parameter.
Thank you.
I would like a formula to extract the following information
1.admission April 1 discharge April 14
2.admission April 14 discharge April 25
The formula should excluded the cases when 1. discharge date = 2. admission date.
Hello dunlop1975
You are correct. These fields happen to be date/time fields. When I typed 'date' before the date field and 'time' before the time field, it worked perfectly.
Thanks for your help.
Hello LB
When I use your fomula I am getting an error
'a date is required her' and {I10_Amcare_And_Provider_VR.DispositionDate} is highlighted.
I used the following formula:
datetime({I10_Amcare_And_Provider_VR.DispositionDate},{I10_Amcare_And_Provider_VR.DispositionTime}) =...
Hello LB
Thanks for your response. This will work if you have one date and time value.
I am doing this for all discharges and admission for a whole year.
I need a formula to get the following results...
Can I get a formula to get the following data
Date 1, time 1 = Date 2, time 2
I am trying to extract reports which have admission date & time equal to previous discharge date & time.
I know the formula to make the dates equal, but not one for equal date & time.
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