Thats normal for the default/admin page. its assuming you are trying to admin via a web page. go into your internet information services and create a new web and watch what happens.
Just deleted the directories when you are using the working version of win2k. Then edit boot.ini to show the correct location of the working version
Yes, there is a way both on NT/2k or Unix flavors of Optivity NMS.
see this link for details on how this can be done.
Hope that helps.
Pretty simple..
Stop all optivity daemons, except weboptserver.
Run dbadmin (start -> run -> dbadmin) or just dbadmin in unix. Log into the database admin tool using the administrator account or root account.
Delete only the following databases.
* user database (it will be named the same as...
hmm I get 16bit high color :) I am also connection via a lan and not via the internet. The more colors the high the connection speed between the 2 systems need to be.
WinAT or other programs run on the local system, you dont run apps on other systems unless you are terminal services install or PCanywhere etc. Otherwise all you are doing is controlling your computer not the other parties workstation. You can make the data output from your system save to the...
What a mess. Whos changing the routing around? You may not know the dialup connection if used will change the routing around, but should revert back when they disconnect.
What are you using for your internet router ?
help me help you.. <G>
If the previous suggestion didnt work. Log off then logon as administrator and do the following.
- Press F3 (search),
- Enter 'autologon' without the quotes
- If its found delete every instance of it.
- shutdown & reboot
Do you have 2 or more NICS in this server ?? Routering will not work correctly with a single NIC.
The DNS issue is something else. Does the external DNS allow forwarding to your IP address ?/ Just becuase you configured this DNS doesnt mean it will get data, unless the other side is...
if you upgrade this system to windows 2000 server, and make it a backup domain controller using active directory that should do the trick. Look at for more help.
- NTS ?
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