I am not good in Netbackup. Recently we got tape which was written by Netbackup server. I am TSM guy. Any idea how to approach this restore ? At our site we are TSM shop, we never used netbackup before.
Thank you.
I am configuring LANFREE agent on windows. I am getting following error when i run tsmdlst . Any body have any clue ?
Computer Name: SCCSMXSUSR03
OS Version: 5.2
OS Build #: 3790
TSM Device Driver: TSMScsi - Not Running
No HBAs were...
I have two file ..
$ cat ora1
PARSDB01_TDP 2.200
PARSDB02_TDP 1.401
$ cat ora2
PARSDB01_TDP 2.200
PARSDB03_TDP 17.069
Then print third file which will print common...
I have heard we can partiton physical 3584 library at TSM level. So i can have two logical library , each has its own slots and drives. They will be independent from each other. Any body know how to do in TSM ?
I saw script planexp.awk. Looks like it only extract scripts. Does it run extracted scripts in proper sequence or i have to run them ?
Thank you
I have big DR prepare file. Does any body has script which extract prepare file and create sperate scripts ? What is sequence to run these scripts ?
Thank you Annililannic
I see this( 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next}) part of awk handles cbdnode1 file and other part ( {if ($0 in a) {print $0}}') handles cbdnode2 file.
By the way what happens if there are more than 2 input files to process ?
I got following from somebody and trying to understand..
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next}{if ($0 in a) {print $0}}' cbdnode1 cbdnode2
specialy NR==FNR{a[$0];next}
Thank you
I have file like following ..
RSB995 Private
RSB999 Private
RSD013 Private
RSD022 Private
RSD070 Private
RSD083 Private
RSD094 Private
RSD163 Private
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