Ok guys, I decided to use 2??? for Menu action to Transfer action $KEY.
2xxx SC to filter out unknown user extn back to Invalid Extn Entry module.
This solution works out great.
The No Match result did not do anything. So I just drop that solution. I will mess around with that later...
I did the callflow test you submitted.
The transfer worked, but the no match disconnected/drop the caller. It did not transfer unknown extn to no match x800. Ex: x2019 and any uncreated user in USER config. should goto VM module or a transfer action.
Will, this is a right step.
Ok. I'll will try that tomorrow.
I didn't know there was a routing variable action. I must have missed this.
Wow, IPO new releases is changing so fast that tech like us need to keep up.
Thanks bas123
@amriddle01 - Here is the copy from .mod to .txt
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
Sorry guys,
I got tied up on a job and not at the office.
I am very greatful for all the feedback.
I will get a upload when I get to the server and also try your to use your work around to see if it works.
Change from $KEY to 2$KEY in Transfer action <specific>
Connection point: Test Variable [Extension] result to Transfer action.
Not transferring to x2000 > Resulting to Timeout > XFR to x800.
I'm gonna keep on reading and searching. I know something is missing.
I'm open to more ideas.
I begin with *89 sc > TestAA > dial 2000 > Test Variable > Resulted to Timeout > Transfer action to x800
Still not going to result:
Extension = Transfer action <$KEY>
Here is my dbgview:
25/06 14:39:43.125 vmprov5s (09,4) a7c, e08: Session: 0000006a - Executing request to run node...
If those lines are RCF'ed from another CO you will have disconnect issue. Embedded voicemail will not release it.
I had the same problem.
Reordered new local lines and no problem ever since.
CO Rep would not believe me.
Good luck
I am trying to create a callflow to check extension dialed thru auto attendant. Ex:2??? setup in Menu action
There is no example of how to use the new check digit replaced by "Test Variable" in VmPro 5.0.21.
This is my setup under "Test Variable" Specific:
Select the Varible to Match= $KEY...
Not sure if this will help anyone.
Here is the translation ATT programmed into the Cisco router that made WinSPM talk to the PBX RAS.
-Set DID RAS number to uncompression
-Added rtp payload-type nse 99
-Added rtp payload-type nte 100
-Added description FAX Voip - extension xxxx
-Added incoming...
My follow up with getting RAS to work with Flex T1.
Well, today I tried again to connect to the remote site and it worked. Just to make sure, I did it again. And no problem. Now I have 2 RAS backup. 1-copper and 1-DID
Good luck again
The provider programmed the dedicated DID to uncompression.
I finally got a chance to test the RAS. It did not work.
The modem dialed into the switch ok. After entering the barrier code it did not produce a dial tone comfirmation.
After calling the provider,
I finally was able to...
I've been using the copper that was setup for RAS backup in case Flex went down. Haven't got a chance to test the DID RAS.
I will let you know if it works.
Have you tried aligning the ring detector hole opening with the speaker grill opening? Maybe it's not getting enough ring tone sound.
Also increase the ring volume.
Just a thought. This helped me alot.
What Merlinman saying about WinSPM having modem connection problem to the system is correct.
I myself had problem connecting using the modem. When I had a call to go on-site, I found a unused copper analog trunk and set that up for my RAS. It saved me alot of trips.
One time I...
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